a letter to miles & a photo of joss

Oh Miles. I don’t get to blog much about you anymore because you don’t like the camera. I know, I know, this is all my fault. I have taken so many photos of you and I guess I over stayed my welcome. I watch your friend’s reactions to my camera and they freeze and smile for me, while you just keep doing your own thing. It cracks me up how different kids react when they grow up around a camera. Now you usually run and hide from me. I’m backing off, hoping that my camera will be welcome in your world again. Today, you let me in again, and I’m so thankful. You are so beautiful and your face just melts us. Though when you saw the photo on the back of my camera you said, “Mom, you should have zoomed in on my airplane.” Oh my, you are so opinionated!

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You are so precious, complex, deep and strong. The stories, imaginative worlds and thoughts you dream up blow me away. Last year we were worried because you weren’t interested in playing with other kids, but you jump at the chance now to play with boys or girls. On this day, at this new playground, you made a new friend, walking up to him and introducing yourself. You love to play with other kids, but you aren’t into sports. Instead of playing baseball, you would rather turn the baseball into a flying martian or create a whole new game. This doesn’t always make playtime go very well. Your friends are figuring you out though. You are bold and fearless and I can see that you wish so much that you could just take off into the sky like a rocket. I see that your limitations of being a mere human frustrate you at times and boy do you hate it when I stop your play to ask you to wash your hands or to get dressed. (You LOVE being naked!) We bump heads because I think we are so much alike. Even though you are wild as the day is long and pretend to be a flying draco lizard jumping from chair to chair in the living room or a basilisk speeding along the top of imaginary water, your sensitive side always wants daddy to snuggle with you a little longer at night before you nod off to sleep.

I’m back to work now, a little bit, and that means we have some babysitters coming by a couple times a week. You love them, but don’t want to share their attention with Jocelyn.

Oh and of course, your sister. When she came in the world it seemed like you barely noticed. We are watching you grow into your role as a big brother and how your gentleness and protectiveness of her is coming out in different ways. She loves and admires you so much. I wonder when you’ll start to notice how she watches every move you take and strives to do what you do. She is practically a two year old instead of a one year old because of you. I hope so much that you will be there for each other and as you grow, and always have a close bond.

You are fascinated with the human body and love your X Ray books that show the bones and muscles of people and animals. You want one of those plastic bodies where you can see all the organs inside. You say you want to be a doctor because you love bodies. (I swear, I never put those words in his head!) Whatever you end up doing someday, I know for sure you will surprise me. You do every day.

Miles Alexander, we love you so much.

I post so much about Jocelyn, I’m not going to write a letter about her tonight. I did want to post this photo because I feel that even though Miles and Jocelyn have their own individual looks, I think their expressions are very similar in these two photos.

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Thanks for letting me do some writing about/for my sweet boy and share a photo of our precious little girl. Our house is exploding with love and gratitude for these two little beings that bless our world that I just had to share it.

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  • Melissa SmithAugust 14, 2011 - 10:03 am

    That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Imagine how much he will cherish that when he gets older. When I have children I pray that I can have such a way with words to write sweet letters to my children about how they are as a child and what is going on in their world. It all goes by too fast. Thanks for sharing Betsy…you are the best :o)

  • JillAugust 14, 2011 - 2:22 pm

    The way you love your kids, Betsy, is inspiring. Such a sweet post. 🙂

  • AraceliAugust 14, 2011 - 10:48 pm

    This made me cry! My son is 3 and is wonderful too. Boys are interesting. Ms. Jossy’s picture should be framed…what a beauty 🙂

  • beanskiAugust 15, 2011 - 9:59 am

    These pics are ADORABLE. Miles sounds just like my four year old. She really could care less that her brother exists, although I do see them playing together a bit more than they used to as he gets closer to 3. I can totally relate with this post. 🙂

  • KelliAugust 15, 2011 - 12:12 pm

    What a great letter to Miles. He sounds like such an adorable child! My daughter is ‘gifted’, she doesn’t like the stuff other kids her age do, never has. It’s been trying but we do a lot of explaining, and have had a lot of tears. She’s 15 now, fairly well rounded, isn’t into sports, but does enjoy what she has to do in gym class most days. She can be found reading, or drawing any time of day. She can memorize her keyboard music, and never have to use sheet music, but hates band. She can spell anything, but won’t use her knowledge to get better grades, she knows exactly what has to be done to get an okay grade, and to not stand out. I figured in the end, if we can take her out in public, send her to a friend’s house (she only has a handful), etc., and we get good reviews back about how polite she is, how helpful, and a pleasure to be around(she’s 15, this doesn’t happen too often) we did good and she’ll be okay.

  • CaitAugust 16, 2011 - 10:27 am

    I love your kids! How sweet are they!! Love Jocelyn’s little dress! Your letter was inspiring!!

  • Heidi RAugust 16, 2011 - 4:55 pm

    I love Miles’ toe peeking through the end of his shoe!