Christmas, continued.

Ok, so I’m a blogging fool. John is playing with his new uber nerdy mouse and updated Mac with Leopard he got for Christmas plus it’s a holiday so I don’t feel like I should be working on client work. Therefore, guilt-free blogging!

Miles got this little musical thingy and we were thrilled that Miles gave it a whirl. This was surprising to us since, after all, baby’s first Christmases aren’t known for their participation from baby.



After Miles played for a bit he showed me that he was sooooo tired. He tried so hard to keep playing and bust through the sleepiness. He must get that from me. ; )

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Before putting Miles down for a nap, we all went for a Christmas morning walk. It was actually really nice out today. Here he is right after his walk. Contrary to popular belief, he can actually move in that puffy outfit. Yea, the hat is a bit big, but I swear the smaller size couldn’t fit around his “wubby” cheeks.

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So raise your hand if you want to squeeze this little cuddly bear? I’m half tempted to go wake him up just to squeeze him!!!!!

BTW, these last couple of posts have been with my snazzy new 85 mm 1.8 lens Santa brought me. I’m working on getting that shootsac filled with lenses! Speaking of my shootsac, I’m going to do some post Christmas shopping for myself tomorrow and pick up a bag cover before Jessica Claire’s sale ends next week. (If you are a photog and want the coupon code, email me and I’ll send it to ya.)

Comment me if you have an opinion on which cover you like.

This is the one I’m leaning toward:

but I might be more practical and go with this one. I have a hot sling in this same pattern so I’m not sure I want another thingy to wear in this pattern. Plus color is more fun!

I will probably just get the first one no matter what everybody says, but go ahead and vote. ; )

Ok, it’s late and I need to get to bed. Tomorrow is a non-holiday, so that means no more guilt-free blogging. Of course, I’ll be back, just feeling guilty the whole time knowing I should be doing 18 Million other things when I’m typing away and posting photos. For now, ahhhhh, it feels good to just play.

For the tenth time in the past 24 hours, Merry Christmas! If you are an out of town friend of mine in FW for family stuff, make sure you email me so we can get together, do coffee or terrorize other patrons at a restaurant with my little food throwing Miles.

Nighty night!

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  • bobbi+December 26, 2007 - 2:07 pm

    DO NOT buy that shootsac cover! My friend Lauren has it and it’s SO flimsy. The black and white one is a thicker material. Usually with Shootsac covers… the cheaper they are the flimsier they are. 😀

    CUUUUUUTE photos of Miles! DUH! 😀 My favorite is the one of him with that hat on. AHHH!!!! HE’S SO ADORABLE!!!!! 😀


  • AdministratorDecember 26, 2007 - 2:20 pm

    well shoot. (no pun intended) As usual Bobbi you have the inside story. What would I do without you? (Probably have crappy lenses and flimsy shootsac covers.)

    Too bad I can’t sew and just make my own fun cover. I’m not in love with many of the other patterns.

    We all slept in today, gotta kick booty and get moving on my day!

  • Jess NilesDecember 26, 2007 - 11:51 pm

    I use my 50mm f/1.8 a lot… I wonder what advantages having the 85mm would be…? Any insight? Merry Christmas! LOVE the sleepy eyes shots. 🙂