he’s 3

Holy cats, there have been some “interesting” and adventurous days around here. A blog reader told me on Miles’ birthday that three is a trip. She wasn’t kidding! Here he is, summoning his inner Max.


I’ve been really struggling lately. I’ve lost my crap on more occasions than I care to count and I’ve gone from being the patient and fun mom to the frantic, yelling mom. I’ve never wanted to be a yelling mom, so I have just felt really sad lately that I haven’t been rockin the two kid dynamic very well. I’m really working on being more patient though. I love Miles so much and it breaks my heart to be out of control and stressed. However, when I’m standing in a parking lot in the freezing cold (no time to grab a coat for myself) and I’m waiting for Miles to get in his carseat and he’s crawled into the front seat to get a penny off the floor, then as I open the front passenger door to get him and a clean baby blanket, diaper and my cell phone drop in the dirty parking lot slush, I LOSE MY CRAP. Yep, I’m THAT mom in the preschool parking lot yelling at her kid to GET IN THE CARSEAT NOW! Sigh…. I wish I could have all the patience in the world, but there is something about getting that boy in the carseat that makes me want to explode. And in public no less. Feel free to submit your advice on how to get a kid in their carseat without dawdling or how to deal with their antics. Either that, or I’m going to start carrying around wine in a Starbucks cup to keep me sane.

Looking at the photos that I posted here tonight (and the video in the previous post) reminds me of how innocent he is though and makes me really want to somehow chill out. So wish me luck on getting a grip. I actually had a much better day today, it’s just the past month or so has been a bumpy ride with Miles and I still working out our new world with our new baby. I’m working on remembering that he is three and still working so much out in that little mind and soul of his. Sometimes I think I expect too much of him. He’s such a mature little guy with what seems like the verbal skills of a sixth grader so I forget how little he still is.

So here’s some photos of Miles and his world right now:

As much as we are hoping he considers the pugs to be his best friends, I think he still views them as rival siblings. We used to have nightmarish loud barking dogs next door who I think gave him a fear of dogs early on, which really stinks. Bless them, they are eternally patient and we do see glimmers of his love for the pugs, though he still can’t tell them apart. (We think they look TOTALLY different, despite how many think they are identical.)

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LOOK at that little Whisper look adoringly up at Miles.

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Miles is so obsessed with crafts that he can’t help but plow through them as fast as he can. This foam gingerbread house bought me an hour of quiet time and then he took it apart and rebuilt it a few times. He seriously spent an entire morning making “scenes” with foam stickers the other day. I can’t wait to see where this desire to create things leads him.

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John has been dying to go nuts on the front yard with holiday lights for years. I never wanted all the junky looking extension cords outside, but this year I relented. Miles and John were thrilled.

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Christmas is such a magical time for kids. It’s so much fun to experience the holiday through his eyes.

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Yep, we are an inflatable holiday balloon yard thingy family now. It’s crazy what you do for kids.

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He is such a little smartie. He plays Uno like a champ and even called me out on Uno during our family Uno game at Thanksgiving.

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We had some wonderful friends over during Thanksgiving weekend and their son, Evan, who is the same age as Miles, came to play as well. There was a moment when we were all hanging out that we realized the boys were upstairs. John peeked his head in Miles’ room and saw that Miles was reading to Evan. AWWWWWWW! Evan’s mom has been friends with me since we were toddlers, so this made my heart explode. (Jen, next time we are together, we are getting a group photo!) We all snuck up there to watch how cute they were and of course, me and my loud camera had to ruin the moment. Oh well. It was cute while it lasted.

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Last but not least is a rare moment captured between Miles and Joss. (That blanket Joss is snuggled up in was John’s when he was a baby!) Of course, when this was happening the room was super dark, but I’m trying to get over photos having to be perfect and just get the shot.

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Speaking of shots of the kiddos together. I’m always trying, it’s easier said than done, but even the out takes are sweet.

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Oh and a post about Miles wouldn’t be complete without talking about DADDY! John and I are kind of single parenting it up right now as we tag team the kids, me with the baby and John with Miles most of the time. Also, at the end of the day Miles and I are both counting down to 5:30 when DADDY’S HOME! Here I caught Miles in mid welcome home hug.

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So that’s a bit of Miles’ world right now. He’s such a sweet punkin and really such a good, good boy. Here’s hoping I can remember that and get through tomorrow without yelling. Nighty night!

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  • Jessica ParkisonDecember 10, 2010 - 6:34 am

    Oh, that sweet boy! Yes, 3 1/2 is…interesting. In our experience, so is 4! :/ I swear they plot against us when they know we are in a hurry! 🙂 Love the pics of him and Joss! The pic of him in the glow of the lights, he looks like a BABY! Oh my goodness! Is that the same sweater and hat from your B+M shoot from 2 years ago? I’m so jealous that he can still wear it! Too cute! He looks so much like you but dresses like John’s mini-me. Man, am i scatter-brained this morning or what! Have a great day and remember to breath! 🙂

  • Jessica ParkisonDecember 10, 2010 - 6:36 am

    scatter-brained and can’t spell…good combo! Breathe!

  • Betsy JoDecember 10, 2010 - 8:03 am

    No advice, just a smile for your Friday. I hope you can see how good of a Mom you are. I think every mother has her moments. And the winter weather doesn’t help things, does it? I’m with you on the 3 y/o thing- I never figured out what was so bad about the ‘terrible twos’ except that it rhymed. 3 years for us had its more dire moments. 🙂 Maybe because our twins arrived when our oldest was 3? Keep smiling!

  • CassieDecember 10, 2010 - 8:49 am

    I think it’s very brave of you guys to have inflatable Christmas decorations after, you know….the incident. 😉

    You are such a good mama, Betsy.

  • LindseyDecember 10, 2010 - 9:38 am

    Ok so I’m not a mama to any kiddos, but I do babysit and nanny…A LOT. About 2 years ago I nannied triplets that were 4 and getting them into the car, in their carseats, and to school on time was no easy task. After being late a few too many times I decided I had to come up with something. So I made it a game. I bought those carnival tickets, the ones that come in a huge roll, and everytime they got into their carseat without me telling them to, they got a ticket. Their carseats had cupholders so that’s where we kept the tickets. And when they got 20 tickets they would get a prize. I did 20 because that would make it be a prize once a month if they got a ticket everytime. And the prizes were small, nothing big, like a piece of candy or something. Hope that helps and good luck!

  • JennaDecember 10, 2010 - 10:13 am

    Betsy, you guys dress Miles so cute. I love his style. All my mom friends with daughters always pity me because they say I dont have a little one to dress up – oh brother! My little boy has lots of fun shoes and clothes! On another note, I’m not to that challenging stage yet, but have also vowed not to be a yelling mom. Parenting is a hard job!

  • JennaDecember 10, 2010 - 10:14 am

    P.S. I forgot to say I still LOVE that art you did in Miles’ room. I’ve emailed that blog post to several of my design friends, looking for way to decorate their childs’ room. You did such a great job!

  • Tira JDecember 10, 2010 - 12:27 pm

    Betsy, you are a wonderful Mom, and it truly shows here on your blog, in your children. Miles can come to my “day job” office any time and try to beat us at UNO. We actually play at least once a week. ha ha! I just adored all of the images in this post.

  • ChantalDecember 10, 2010 - 12:57 pm

    As a mom of 3 beautiful and active young ladies, I totally understand your yelling! I am like you, never wanted to be the Yelling Mom, however when I get stressed or pushed a bit too far, the “MEAN Mom” comes out and I hate it as soon as it happens! I feel so guilty and sometimes even go cry about it. As my kiddos are 10 – 8 – and 4 I thought I would be past this by now, but the “Mean Mom” still shows up now and then. I do the same thing and try to step back and see them for what they are, sweet, innocent, interested, curious young ladies. I ask God for more patience every day! Luckily, my girls are also very understanding and forgiving so I apologize and still get my sweet kisses and hugs goodnight and pray for a better tomorrow…for their sake! Just remember we are human even though we SUPER MOMS! Happy Holidays! Enjoy the season! I love your blog and photos! Thanks!

  • AbbyDecember 10, 2010 - 2:08 pm

    As a stay-at-home mom of a 6(who has high functioning autism), 3, and 1 year old I can reassure you that almost every mom in the world has felt or feels the same way as you do! I did want to share with you what we do for our daughter who seems to find every excuse not to get in her carseat. We have turned it into a game. When I open the door I say, “Ready, set, go” and start counting. We then remember how long it took her to get in her seat and then she tries to beat that time the next time. She loves it!

  • JenDecember 10, 2010 - 3:47 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while now….and I’ve never left a comment. I’m going to try to be better about that this next year. : ) I love reading about your daily lives and your photos are so beautiful, and I just really wanted to tell you that you are doing an amazing job mothering your two beautiful children. It’s such a difficult job, and takes so much energy! I have two – ages 4 and 2 and I lose my crap too. I think as a mom we just give, give, give and run on empty too much. So hugs to you and when I get my next coffee from Starbucks drive-through I will be thinking of you and pretending it’s wine. Love that! Cheers!

  • BetsyDecember 11, 2010 - 12:17 pm

    Thanks so much to everybody for their kind words (and for some blog readers to finally comment! Yippee!) Really awesome to be supported instead of judged.

    BTW, that isn’t the same sweater from two years ago. He long out grew that! Just another one in a new size! 🙂

  • BethDecember 11, 2010 - 8:24 pm

    Ok, I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and I finally have to chime in too. Thank you for your honesty! I have 1 and 2 year old boys and have been going through the same thing recently. You don’t know how much more sane I feel after reading this post! You are a great writer as well as photog by the way. Love reading your posts and seeing your work!

  • Heather CorporanDecember 11, 2010 - 9:44 pm

    Oh Dear Betsy! My third is 10 months old, and I have a 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 year old (which is sooo going on 15!). Anyways, i tell all my mommy friends with one – YOU HAVE NOOOO idea how easy one is. In retrospect your first seems so rough, but girl, as we both know, one is cake! lol. Imagine getting two in their carseats in this arctic weather, when they both have a million other agendas than seat buckling! Sometimes, and I say that loosely, I promise a stop to Dunkins for munchkins (if I’m desperate lol) But a juice box, animal crackers and the such are awesome in a bind to get those little ones moving. Hang in there hun, we all promise we’re not going to be reduced to ‘the crazy mom’ yelling in the parking lot. On a funnier note, just you wait til the lil one becomes a wiggler while you are trying to wrangle the bigger one LOL Hmmmm. Wine in a Starbucks cup, you’ve got something good going there ; )

  • Tori PiercyDecember 12, 2010 - 1:25 am

    Betsy I can totally relate to so much of this! I can be that frantic, impatient mom sometimes too 🙁 Something I need to work on too! The pictures are darling, so sweet to see all the Christmas excitement in Miles face! And I adore the “imperfect” shot of them together- it’s beautiful and I bet you will cherish it forever 🙂

  • AngelaDecember 12, 2010 - 3:58 pm

    I love the picture of Miles in front of the snowglobe. You do dress him so nicely! Loving the skinny jeans. Thanks for always being so real. I didn’t comment awhile back when you revealed that Thanksgiving was hard for you – I cried and immediately picked up the phone and called my BFF mom – who lost her husband to cancer last year. I’m just so happy that God has blessed you with your little family and I hope you won’t be too hard on yourself.

    On a lighter note – I found this fun sign on Etsy & thought of you and your cute pugs!


  • Jackie JeanDecember 13, 2010 - 12:03 pm

    As a mom of my fourth little upcoming boy, I can relate a bit 🙂 I think as moms we beat ourselves up too many times when we fail and even when the failures arent even that big. I constantly thank God for His grace cause that is what I rely on, parenting is such a tough yet rewarding part of our lives. Your boy looks like a sweetie!

  • kimDecember 15, 2010 - 9:47 am

    three is SOOOO hard! i am going through the exact same thing with the carseat and now that it’s so cold out on top of it all, it can be so frustrating. sometimes they are just so SLOW. 🙂