mischievous miles

If you have seen this little video you know that Miles is a big fan of the water dish.

So every day we have to put the water dish up on the table when Miles is running around or he will go for a swim. (It’s the messiest thing ever when he does get a hold of the dish and the pugs water has breath stuff in it, so we really don’t want him playing in it.) It’s an annoying thing to stay on top of and I feel for the pugs because sometimes we forget to put it back down for the pugs. I know when that happens because they will stand up with their paws on the side of the bathtub while I’m doing my hair or brushing my teeth and stare at me until I figure out, “Crap! They need water!” Our poor dehydrated pugs! I tell you what, they are smart dogs because it took me ages to figure out that they hang around the tub because they need water. (Don’t call animal protective services on me, I swear, that really doesn’t happen that often!)

So Miles has actually pulled the water dish off the table before. He’s jusssst out of reach this time.

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Notice the tongue as he works even harder to reach it.

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allllmost there!

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Hey, I’ll go bug the pugs in their cage.

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excuse me pugs, I’m coming through! Whisper’s tongue will never cease to crack us up. It actually sticks out A LOT longer than it is in the photo.

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Yep, I have a dog cage in my dining room. We have tried to get rid of the eyesore, but the pugs are too attached. Try saying no to these eyes!

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Poor Whisper, her home is being invaded. The pugs are SO good and patient with Miles. Thank goodness because he seriously tries their patience.

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Speaking of the pugs, right now the pugs are snuggled in bed with John. John has been working his tail off these past few months to get a deadline done for a huge Metta Audio project. I won’t even get into the amount of slack he has picked up for me these past few weeks. He needed some down time, big time. So tonight he snuggled up with his ipod and a magazine he has been waiting for (some electronic musician magazine) in bed and was in heaven. That is a special treat for all three of them as the pugs aren’t usually allowed up on our bed (If you smelled our pugs, you would see why), but since I’m staying up late to blog, i’ll put the pugs to bed and John can just drift to sleep with them tucked under his arms.

Sleep sounds good right now, so I’m shushing and heading to bed myself.

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  • rebecca-linh rodgersFebruary 22, 2008 - 7:19 am

    Of course I TOTALLY recognized that little face!! 😉 Lovely- those little ones just get into EVERYTHING don’t they??

    xo, r-l

  • JohnFebruary 22, 2008 - 8:49 am

    Oh and it was HEAVEN! They are professional snugglers. Thanks Bets!