new toy

I got a 50 mm 1.4 to replace my 50 mm 1.8 lens. It came today and even though we were all in the middle of lunch, I had to tear open the box and pop it on my camera and see how it looks.

Now, I know it looks like a went nuts on the blue saturation on these photos but I honestly just did my regular processing. I was in a time crunch when I threw these on my computer as I was eager to see how the lens looked before we headed off to our evening shoot. So I really should have toned it down. Oh well, I tell you though, his eyes really are crazy blue.

So back to my new toy. Immediately I notice that the lens is constructed so much better and is heavier. But in a good way. Here’s my first shot. (Told you we were in the middle of lunch.)

Img 7004

Img 6976

It’s also less noisy when it’s focusing and holy cow, I can get a much faster shutter speed in lower light than usual. Don’t ask me why I ever even hesitate to purchase more gear. It allllways makes me so happy and I see instant results. This is leading to another much bigger purchase, but more on that later. (Bobbi, your reaction will be, “finally!”)

Oh my goodness I love photographing Miles. Even when he has cottage cheese all over his face. Oh I will cry the day he can learn how to tell me, “no more photos.” I guess I’l just take photos of the back of his head then.

Img 6968

I thought I would play around with the 1.4 aperture and I figured one eye would be blurry and yep, it was. Oh, and it you can’t tell, Miles is a great eater. Nothing picky about this kid. I want to find him a LIFE T shirt that says, “Give it to Mikey, Mikey will eat anything!” I say that all the time when we are feeding it to him. I guess it would be cooler if it said, “Give it to Miles. Miles will eat anything.” So feel free to work on finding that for me on the internet. Thanks. : )

Img 6972

I’m pretty close up here, but I’m excited to see what my backgrounds will look like once I to take some more shots with m 1.4. I LOVE when Miles looks to the side like this.

Img 6964

His eyes are so big and round, they remind me of one of these:

Img 6964

Random thoughts:

So yippee! We got through tax season and now we feel like we can breathe again and buy some fun stuff! Buying a new lens is kind of like eating potato chips. You really can’t just get one. I want more!!!

When we got home from our shoot tonight my mom had taught Miles how to say, “Weee, weee, wee!” when she says the little piggies peom on his toes. So cute!

I just watched Scrubs and The Office, the only 2 shows I really watch and it’s time to empty my cards from tonight’s shoot. It’s so great to finally shoot when it’s not freezing out.

BTW, did anybody catch Oprah today? The cast of Sex and the City was on. I wonder if that movie is going to do the show justice or if they will try too hard and stink. Hope not! We’ll find out on May 30th!

I’m shushing. If you can’t tell I’m super tired, so that’s why I’m just writing in short bullet pointed blurbs.

Nighty night. You’ll see sneak peaks of our senior photo shoot soon.

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  • saraMay 2, 2008 - 9:11 am

    loving the new lens, his eyes are amazing!

    fyi…my girlfriend went to Oprah when the cast was on last week, and she got to preview the movie the night before. (she’s such a brat!) She said in her words “the best movie she’s ever seen!” She described it as wrapping the best of all the seasons into one, with everything you want to happen, happening!! Can’t wait to see it!

    btw how cute were those 4 girls on Oprah….love them!

  • Leslie WebberMay 2, 2008 - 2:34 pm

    I had a 50 mm 1.8 for two weeks and wound up trading it in for the 1.4 and I couldn’t believe the difference. Since it’s truly the only respectable lens I have a use it all the time, however my images come no where near yours! I am dying to buy a 70-200mm, but that’s a purchase I’ll be waiting to make, unless I have a really great Mother’s Day.

  • Jess NilesMay 3, 2008 - 11:06 am

    Can’t wait to see more from the new lens! Jealous!!! BTW, the best thing to do when your baby doesn’t want pictures taken anymore is to have another one. 😉