OMG, I won!

What a great week! If you’ve been following the latest in my life, you’ll know that we just got me a new Mac so I can get serious about getting my photography business up and running. (Yes, I was smart enough to call Mac and request the black friday pricing today since we ordered ours the night before Thanksgiving, but I digress.) Yesterday, Jessica Claire, one of my favorite photographers that I blog stalk daily had a contest up. (You know I LOVE contests!) It was asking for a creative photo of what you are thankful for. I can choose from some of her different products for my prize, but I’m so getting a Shootsac

I can’t believe it, but little ‘ol me from Fort Wayne, Indiana won! I have been dying for a shootsac ever since I saw my friend and awesome photographer, Bobbi (here’s a link with her shootsac) got one and definitly every time I lug our nerdy Canon bag around.

So check out Jessica’s blog to see my winning photo (the photo won’t be anything you would expect!) and also, look for John’s entries in the runner ups. She did a wonderful job of including so many of the absolutly beautiful entries. If you only look at one blog today, this one is great because the photos will make you smile and remember all the beautiful things to be thankful for.

click here for Jessica’s Blog with winners

Thank you Jessica Claire! You rock!

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  • Jennie SkeensNovember 24, 2007 - 3:36 am

    Congratulations, Betsy! I’m happy for you. See you soon!

  • Jessica & ToddNovember 24, 2007 - 3:44 am

    Good for you! You deserve it!


  • Detra, Matt 19:26November 24, 2007 - 8:21 am

    Congratulations!!!! I am so jealous of yet completely happy for you at the same time! ;=) I loved the image you submitted, as well as the others I have been peeking at on your site. You have such a great eye — you’re going to do great in this business!!! And Miles is too cute!!

  • ErinNovember 24, 2007 - 2:06 pm

    Yay- Congrats, Bets! (With all the winning you’ve been doing lately, you need to buy a lottery ticket.) You are so talented and hopefully all this photography winning confirms that for ya…way to go!