play it again joss

 mg 1113

 mg 1123

 mg 1117

A couple thoughts on piano:

Growing up, I never really took to the piano. My entire family on my dad’s side were music prodigies, performers or teachers. This meant trips to visit my grandmother would entail sleepy afternoons in her music parlor sweating it out while I stunk up the place with my disjointed and disappointing renditions of basic tunes. Oh the awkwardness of being the end of the line when it came to getting the gifted and talented genes musically speaking.

I really would LOVE to be able to sit and play the piano. In college I took a piano class and my teacher, not knowing the years I had of piano lessons that seemingly bounced off my brick head, was impressed at how quickly I caught on. (I didn’t tell her my secret of taking three years of lessons, but left still illiterate to reading sheet music.) So I think there is still hope to learn and someday I will.

I still sit and play arpeggio scales and the the right handed versions of a couple of songs I remember. John and I play heart & soul together, which is so much fun and Jocelyn always does the cutest little dance when we do. John often sits and plays beautiful music for us that fills the house in the odd little patches of time he has in passing. I hope we are creating warm and fuzzy feelings for the piano full of play and fun without expectation in the hopes that Miles and Joss will have their own sense of musical curiosity. Perhaps John’s musical genes will pick up where mine stopped and the kids will want to learn someday. As with everything I’m just trying to stay in the moment and enjoy the now. Oh and of course, each time I belly up to the piano, I’m working on shaking off the ghosts of disappointment in the past. I suppose someday when I do learn to play it won’t be for anyone’s expectation but my own. I suppose that’s how all things we learn should be.

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  • GailOctober 2, 2011 - 12:54 pm

    You mean Marna Jo’s lessons never stuck? 😉

    Just remember, it depends on the kid. My sister suffered through lessons and gave up. I loved it. And be ready to listen to LOTS of Chopsticks (hehe).

  • robinOctober 2, 2011 - 7:41 pm

    She is so stinkin’ cute sitting at the teeny tiny piano. And she may be more adorable in each new post, too. Hard to tell, since she started out pretty much perfect! 😉

  • JoanOctober 3, 2011 - 12:38 am

    I took 7 years and can place the first 4 lines of Fur Alise?? poorly. My mom, a beautiful pianist, and my piano teacher would frequently ask me if I wanted to quit because I was so bad. I was one of those that if I made a mistake the first time playing I never stopped – after years of education realize probably an LD thing. I totally enjoy hearing others play.

    Joss is so cure at that piano – she is such a character in her pictures. I think she must be developing a great sense of humor.

  • SherryOctober 3, 2011 - 10:57 am

    check out Jossy little toes under the piano..she has her big toes pointing up…just adorable.