pondering my addiction

Recently the word “workaholic” has been thrown around our household. I think when you run creative businesses out of your home, it is hard to escape it. (Ok, lets admit it, it really never leaves your mind.) Of course, when you love what you do, it’s not a bad thing, but even something you love can be a bit much when you see it 24-7.

Anyway, so we were on a bike ride recently and I’m starting to run ideas about photo shoots by John he gives me that look that means, “Dude, we are on a bike ride and you are talking about your business? Shut it.” (Granted, he didn’t say that, but I was saying it to myself.)

So as I’m doing my thing, working in my little time slots I have here and there, and then when I’m not working trying to block it all out and be totally present for my family, I have wondered what it means to be a workaholic and if I am one. I just wrote out a whole list of reasons why I might be a workaholic, but it ended up getting too personal, so I’ll spare you all that.

Despite all of my weird habits and ponderings, here’s why I realized I’m NOT a workaholic, even though I may have some tendencies. I have had two clients have unfortunate circumstances this month and have to cancel their sessions. The sessions are two weeks in a row. Being a people pleaser, I thought of a handful of people I could contact to fill those spots. Then I thought about my family and the wedding of my best friend next month that I’m going to be doing some really fun projects for her and I decided to take those two weeks off from clients. I’m even TELLING my blog readers this so hopefully the people who would want these June spots aren’t going to be mad at me. (scary!)

So yea, I might drift off during a breakfast conversation asking John a question like, “So do you think that photo I processed last night was too pink?” but I’m feeling really good about taking a couple weeks off of client shoots in June to exhale and get caught up and focus on personal stuff. I’m thinking I’m still going to be crazy busy and the cancelations really are a “God thing” that gave me the opportunity to save myself. But that might be a whole other post.

Thanks for listening to me babble. It’s a big deal for me to say no to other people’s needs and say yes to my own.

Here’s a bit of what summer, and my life when I’m not working, looks like around our house, through the lens of my iphone. Even though I work hard, I always find a way to play hard with my guys too. My rule is no working on the computer when Miles is around, but my iphone kind of gets me around that. However, having it on me means I always have a camera!

Untitled 1

Man I love playing with Miles and I love summer. It’s so easy to find fun. You just turn on a garden hose, and voila, instant adventure. (No, he’s not wearing a bright orange speedo, it’s a cloth diaper. They are pretty much instant swim diapers in a pinch.) Love it.

All right, it’s WAY late, as usual. Yea, yea, I haven’t learned to go to bed early yet. One thing at a time!

PS For someone who does not watch tv, I did have Word Girl on today and the word of the day, “ponder” has really stuck with me. I think I used it three times in this post.

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  • JohnJune 4, 2009 - 2:17 pm

    By the way, if I haven’t said it out loud, I really appreciate how much you try to stay off the computer and be present with Miles. It’s just one of the thousand reasons I think you’re an awesome Mom.

    Love you!

  • LizJune 4, 2009 - 2:34 pm

    I LOVE that you are a mom who is OK with letting your child drink from the hose. I’m all for organic, earth friendly, and health conscious behaviors…but I believe we can also go a bit over the top worrying about all that stuff. If your child is thirsty and the hose is there…go for it! By the way, Miles’s hat rocks!

  • MichelleJune 4, 2009 - 3:59 pm

    The hose drinking shot with the iphone is GOOD. My iphone pics tend to be blurry. 😉

    Anyway, I understand the always thinking about it even when you’re not working thing. I think my husband would tell you how often he hears photo related things when we’re doing something else completely. 😉

    Oh well, at least he’s hearing positive stuff rather than me ranting about how much I hate my job. 😉 hehe.

  • jess@studio3zJune 4, 2009 - 7:07 pm

    oh my gosh….the never ending balance of life/work/family/house. word up.

  • LisaJune 4, 2009 - 11:15 pm

    Looks like fun! Glad some of the diapers still fit 🙂

  • Maya LaurentJune 5, 2009 - 1:19 pm

    As I’m typing this Zane is playing right by me and I know I need to go play. It’s so hard, especially when you don’t always have childcare, to balance it all. Good for you for taking two weeks off!!! You will feel so much better afterwards!

  • Troy GroverJune 8, 2009 - 4:55 am

    So cute 🙂