remember this tee? (and other thoughts…)

A couple posts back you saw Miles wearing his “rock star” Tee while he scarfed down some cookies and played monkey on our kitchen furniture.

Well, I got that shirt as an assignment (a very fun one, for a dear internet friend) to get some photos of Miles wearing it for Paper lili’s clothing website. Well between being out of town, sick and nothing but rain, rain, rain, it ended up being not so easy of a task. Earlier this week the rain stopped for a bit on an evening I was free (not too many of those lately-BUSY spring!) so we all jumped in the car and ran down to the nearest looking “urbanesque” location I could pop miles into for a “Rock star” look. (I can’t just go out in public by myself to photograph him because he RUNS like crazzzzy and me being behind the camera and not next to him is so not safe. So I have to find a time in the evening when John is free to go as well too.

Anyway, so the SECOND we get Miles at our location he most certainly DID run and he is incredibly fast. So here’s one of the shots I managed to get for Paper Lili.


Here’s a bit of a behind the scenes look, including an out of focus shot to show you how Miles is, more often than not, wayyyyy faster than me, John (see here in a full on sprint to try to get out of the frame) or my camera. 🙂

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Miles cracks me up because when I asked him if he wouldn’t mind going and doing a photo shoot, he was totally like, “Let’s go on a photoshoot!” The whole way there he’s saying from the backseat, “We are going on a photoshoot!” Two days later he still says, “We went on a photoshoot!” I’ve been watching my friends notice their kid’s natural abilities to hit tee balls, or golf balls but Miles, well, good gracious, he is a natural TALKER. If you don’t mind, if only for documentary sake, I’m going to share a few of the things he has been saying lately.

When I sealed an envelope last week he said, “Now it’s a present!”

A horn honked really loud while we were out riding bikes and I asked Miles if he was ok and he said, “No!” (He had the saddest face.) I thought he was surely going to cry, as loud noises usually startle him. Later that evening I said, “Miles, when you were scared today you didn’t cry.” He said, plain as day, “I know. I don’t cry anymore.”

Tonight he took two cups, one upside down and the other stacked on top full of water and shook it lightly, calling it his blender. (It really did look like a blender!) After making whirrring sounds he proclaimed, “Time for smoothies!”

He says thank you for the sweetest things, Like, “Thank you for breakfast.” “Thank you for the bike ride.” Melts my heart!!!!!

The other morning Miles woke up with his morning all planned. Here’s a quote of what he wanted to do: “We will get up! We will go have breakfast and then go swimming at the YMCA. Mommy will put on her flip flops. Chris will come! We will go for a ride in daddy’s jeep and go swimming at the YMCA.”

Ok, I won’t bore you with any more quotes. (I’m hoping the grandma’s just loved that little bit.) If you can’t tell, we are just head over heels in love with our little guy and watching his imagination go wild and hear what he has to say just kills us. This age is awesome.

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I just wanted to get in a quickie blog post before I jumped head first into this busy week. I have a family session and senior sneek peek that should be coming in the next couple of days.

Have an awesome week!!!! Oh and CONGRATS to all of my senior girls who have been busy with graduation ceremonies. You are all so awesome!!!!!

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  • LOJune 1, 2009 - 2:10 am

    miles= cuteness overload

  • robin cornettJune 1, 2009 - 12:12 pm

    It is so fun to be able to finally hear all the things going on in their little minds, isn’t it? They spend a couple years just soaking it all in and it’s a gift to discover what they’ve been learning from us. For Miles, I think it’s good things. 🙂 Love that last shot–looks all boy!

  • Leslie WebberJune 1, 2009 - 1:01 pm

    Maybe it’s the shoes?! 🙂

    The picture of John sprinting out of the frame is cracking me up!

  • GailJune 1, 2009 - 1:25 pm

    There are so many things to love about this post: Miles’ shoes, John’s shoes, Miles’ smile, Miles’ cute little phrases …ahhh…miss you girl!

  • donna kingJune 1, 2009 - 4:23 pm

    We grandparents LOVED that post! More! More!

  • grandmaJune 1, 2009 - 4:53 pm

    He would have won that baby contest for sure, this year!

  • Jessica ParkisonJune 1, 2009 - 7:34 pm

    we got our rockstar shirt today! Too cute! I’m a bit confused though, in the 4 square pic it looks like Miles may be having a meltdown, or start of one…i’m pretty sure that he doesn’t have those and only my son has the 2 year old meltdowns…. is it true?

    His little sayings are so cute! All I hear is “no, eat, mine, love, no, body parts, mine, nap, no, bye” the rest is jibberish.

  • CassieJune 1, 2009 - 9:19 pm

    What a sweet pea.

  • CelesteJune 5, 2009 - 3:35 am

    How adorable is that? Love the T! Love the smiles!