saturday stuff

It’s a BEAUTIFUL day outside, and I should be frolicking in a field or something. However, I’m inside, sitting at my computer. This is ok though because I’m holding my sweet baby girl. I’m multitasking. You see, the only way she will sleep today is if I hold her and she’s so snuggly and the rest of the house is napping, so I’m happy to oblige.

Here we are. See, even Whisper is sleeping behind us:

Photo 255

We have no labor day plans this weekend other than to clean around the house. (Truly a labor day for us.) I have been itching to get out and do a little shopping, so John took us all out to the mall and out to lunch today. (BLESS HIM!) I have to say that I was able to be out for a nice long trip because of this wonderful thing. I really wish I had one when I had Miles. (I was lucky to get one for free a while ago and it’s since been my go-to baby item next to my hotsling.) But I digress.

I figured it’s once in a blue moon that I actually put normal clothes on and do my hair, so a photo was in order! We had been running around so much packing the diaper bag and getting two kids ready that John and I were sweating while he took this photo, so half way through his snapping I was like, “I’m burning up, we’re done!” So next time I’ll try to get a photo where you can actually see Jocelyn. What IS it about getting kids ready that makes me feel like my house is suddenly 100 degrees? I’m so glad we got a photo of me and my two kiddos though. I don’t get in front of the camera very often and I want to make sure when I’m old and grey (ahem…when I stop coloring my hair…) that Miles and Jocelyn have some pics of me with them.


Oh and I’m telling myself RIGHT NOW to go buy some new earrings. I wear these WAY too much. They are my security blanket I think. (I love window light. When it works, it can be so pretty, like having a softbox right in your living room.)

Shopping went great today. Jocelyn slept in the stroller and Miles did a great job tagging along. The only thing I bought for Jossy was one little pink baby hat. I’m still so overwhelmed by girl stuff, I’m so ridiculous! I got Miles two shirts and a fall coat though. See, boys I know! Oh and I HAD to pick myself up a grey knitted hat for fall. That’s the one thing I LOVE about cooler weather. I can start hiding undone or dirty hair under floppy knit hats. YIPPEE!

Pretty soon it will be time to go on our nightly walk, which I’m really looking forward to today. Last night’s walk happened pretty late so it was almost totally dark by the time we got home. Jocelyn looked so snuggly and squishy in my sling that I still had to try to take a pic with what little light we had.

Look at this little muffin!

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She LOVES riding in the sling. This thing has been a MIRACLE worker for us. When she gets fussy, we just pop her in the sling and go for a walk. If she is REALLY fussy, I just turn on the Roomba at my feet and she gets extra soothing power. If only I could ride in the car like this, our life would be perfect. (Yes, she’s still crying bloody murder in the carseat…sigh.)

The whole time John was taking photos he’s saying, “There’s no light Bets. I’m not getting anything.” I just kept saying, “Just keep trying!” I know I must drive him insane when I ask him to take photos. I had spent the whole walk looking down at this precious face and I wanted a photo of it, even if would be grainy!

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Oh and btw, her outfit says, “I love the nightlife.” Ha!

Ok, it’s 10 till 6 and the boys are STILL cashed out napping. I need to go wake them up because this day is too beautiful to sleep it away. Have a great weekend!

CORRECTION:  John just reminded me that I did buy some things for Jocelyn at Macy’s. Holy cats, yes, I got some crazy sale stuff! I bought four things, three which were less than $3 each on sale.  My point here is that if I only bought three items and they were THAT cheap, you can tell I’m seriously a shopping rookie!

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  • GailSeptember 4, 2010 - 6:04 pm

    This post makes me miss you. So much.

  • LOSeptember 4, 2010 - 8:17 pm

    jossy makes “grainy” look sooo good.

    and girl shopping is the best! one day you will LOVE it

  • NickSeptember 6, 2010 - 9:06 pm

    I don’t have a baby but can I still comment on the fact that she is a cutie-pie? Or, should that be a cutie-muffin? Happy Dances for the Kings =)

  • JennySeptember 7, 2010 - 9:28 am

    your “not expecting” anymore 🙂