S.O.S: Shout Out Sunday

We were going to go to Ann Arbor this weekend for a little family get away, but instead, we stayed home and painted our kitchen.

Are we stupid?

Perhaps…but our kitchen looks AWESOME!

I’m sending a shout out to the smart ladies at Ream Steckbeck (sp?) for helping us pick “barley” as our new kitchen color. It’s a nice buttery yellow and we love it. However, there is nothing like testing the strength of your marriage like painting your kitchen together. This was actually going to be my project that I took on myself, but John, who JUST bought a huge new computer and something called a “reverb,” left it to sit unused in his studio alllllll weekend to help me paint. He is amazing. When I said, “Honey, I wasn’t expecting you to help me paint the kitchen.” He said, “I know sweetie. Either was I.” Ha! He’s awesome. When we were all done John said, “I wonder how far you would be if I hadn’t helped you.” My answer was, “I would be crying in the corner.”

We take FOREVER to paint because we do a tape procedure where you seal the paint before you start painting with your wall color and even though it takes a bit longer, you come out with PERFECT lines. Check out that perfect paint line! Ka pow! Me likey. (I then pulled off the rest of the tape to see I leaked yellow in the corner. Oops, spoke too soon! It’s 99% effective, at least.)


We need to send a HUGE shout out to my Mom who came both days this weekend to entertain Miles while we worked and even brought us lunch both days. She was a life saver! John was having a HUGE LBSFO yesterday and my mom’s Subway run saved him from circling the drain. Thanks Mom!!

So woo wee! Betsy & John finished a house project. It’s a miracle! (We work on our computers so much that our house gets very ignored, so this is a big deal.) I literally had an end goal for this project of Jan. 1, 2009, so I’m ahead of schedule! (Now, I still have to choose and frame art for the room, so I still have more to do, but we are happy for now.)

If you were tuning into see Miles then I’m sure you were sorely disappointed to see my kitchen wall. To make up for that, here are some latest Miles antics.

In other news, Miles went to his first non-Miles birthday party celebrating his buddy Preston’s one year birthday last weekend. We had a blast and Miles jumped right in to help Preston play with his toys and cheered him on as Preston had his first piece of cake. Miles even got to show off some of his baby pool moves as well. It was a GREAT afternoon! We love the Erb’s so much that we wanted to get creative with their gift and since Preston is just learning how to walk, our gift had a little “man on the move” theme. So we whipped up some custom onesies with a little time in photoshop and some of those iron on transfers. We even came up with a new family motto for them, “You can’t curb an erb.”

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Oh and here’s one I snapped of Preston last month when we were hanging out at the lake. So here’s your shout out, a week late little P!

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Speaking of shout outs, I totally forgot to blog about when Miles’ other best buddy, Evan, came over last month. (I got a little busy with client work and got bad about blogging about my own life!) Evan’s mom, Jen, and I go wayyyyyy back to when we were their age so it’s been wonderful to see our boys grow together. They are from out of state so our time together is that much more precious. Here are a couple of highlights from our afternoon together.

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This fish was a gift from our buddy Chris when Miles was still in the hospital. As you can see, Miles LOVES it. I suppose you could say the boys were “playing together.” Miles was at least standing in the box of blocks that Evan was playing with. Otherwise, they were in their own world. Maybe next time they see each other they will take notice of the other one. 😉

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Here is my very best friend, Amy Conner (You have to say her first and last name. That’s just the way it is.) with her dreamy boyfriend Jon. These two are so incredibly precious to me. (Jon, I know I have only met you once, and I was totally busy shooting Cassie’s wedding, but I got a great feeling from you and anybody who loves Amy, I love and anybody who Amy loves, I love!) So I’m not just randomly posting these two to state my undying love, I wanted to send a shout out to Jon for completing his ordination exam on Saturday. Woot Woot!!! Plus, they are big blog stalkers and I LOVE them for that. I hear that they, including Jon, tune into to see Miles as much as they can. Awwwwww! We love you guys and CAN’T wait to see you soon! Miles JUST learned how to give kisses today and I can’t wait for him to melt your heart with one of his sweet little pucker ups as soon as you come home for a visit.

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Back to Miles: I’m sending out a huge shout out to him as Friday evening he entertained us by naming all the items on these flashcards.

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Another shout out goes to Jammer & Ellie’s mom for giving us these cards so we can, once again, be amazed by what a little smartie he is.

Ok, one more shout out to Matilda Jane Clothing for getting their new fall line (the sack lunch line at least, more to come!) up on the net and for choosing a bunch of my photos to showcase it! I’m scattered around the site alongside these two fabulous ladies: Untamed Hearth Photography and Madison Ave. Photography. (I can’t believe I didn’t steal those leg warmers for myself on the day of the shoot! I’m sure I could squeeze my ankles in those, right?)

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I hope this post was sufficiently random for you. I’m heading to bed as I have a lot of work to do this week. Thanks for tuning in and keeping up with all the crazy subject changes in this blog and have a great week!

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  • Sherry SmithAugust 25, 2008 - 4:32 am

    Awesome blog….love that barley color..Thanks for the special time with Miles. LOVE HIM SO! mam ma

  • DennisAugust 25, 2008 - 9:12 am

    What a great post! We are planning on painting our kitchen soon and I would love to hear more about your clean line secret.

  • ErinAugust 25, 2008 - 10:05 am

    So I watched the first video and thought, “I’m calling Mensa! That kids is a genius!” Then, I watched the second and thought, “I’m calling CPS, John offered Miles a beer!” Haha! just kidding. 🙂 Thanks again for the the great Preston-themed Onesies and the cute Preston pic. Love the yellow, too, btw!! 🙂

  • MayaAugust 26, 2008 - 4:04 pm

    Where did you get those flash cards? I’ve been looking for something like that!

    Look at Preston…cutie! And I love the custom gifts!