two weeks of two kids

We are past the two week mark of life with Jocelyn and we are finally finding our stride as parents again. Man, those first two weeks I was like bambi walking on ice as a new mom. You would think I would have remembered all the newborn stuff, but I think that as Miles grew, I just took the information I learned and flushed it from my brain, ready to learn whatever the new stage of growth brings. I will say, that even though there were a few things I had forgotten about newborns, I did fortunately forget how to be uptight. Yippee! So even though we encountered some rough patches over our first week home (namely, ouchy nursing issues) I have remained some what chill. (Ok, except the one night I flipped out after Jocelyn wanted to clusterfeed for what seemed like 16 hours and told John, “I’m too old for this!”)

I have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY balancing feeding Jocelyn, giving Miles attention, keeping the house picked up and greeting visitors that there hasn’t been any time for blogging. I also haven’t been taking many photos. (Oh the horror! Trust me, it’s killing me.) However, I do have a few photos to share.

So here’s our sweet and smooshy Jossy B., snuggling up to daddy last week. (She looks totally different than this photo already!) She is doing amazingly well. She is eating like a champ, sleeping well and her crying jags have even eased up a bit from last week. She is so strong. She is holding her head up and always wanting to look around. If she does cry, we just take her outside and she quiets immediately, content to look around. Though it’s been so hot lately, that it’s hardly bearable to take her outside, even at night. We are just nutsy coo coo in love with this little girl.

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Even though we might be a bit on the sleep deprived side, we still find ways to have fun with Miles. Here’s John, showing off to Miles how he can jump completely over the baby pool. Impressive, huh? He did clear the pool and did it, like, ten times. I guess he can jump over the long side of a picnic table. So there’s your John King trivia for the day.


Just as everybody told me, Miles looks like he is ten years old to me now. The night I had Jocelyn he aged six years or something in my heart. Just like in this photo, that was taken a few days before Jocelyn was born, he looks so grown up! Where’s my little boy? He is SOOOO grown up! I had my first day home alone with two kiddos today and it was only as easy as it was because Miles is such an independent little guy. Bless him for being as flexible as he has been these past two weeks. I’m so proud of him. When the baby cries he just says, “Mom! Nurse the baby!” or “Mom! Change her diaper!” Then he just goes back to the craft he’s working on or playing with his cars. Such a punkin.

So here’s my little three and a half year old guy who is going on 13. What is it about having kids that makes time just FLY by?


Ok, it’s late and I need to get to bed. Thanks for tuning in!

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  • JessAugust 12, 2010 - 8:32 am

    Betsy, your kiddos are beautiful. I love coming here and reading how much love you have your kids and all your positive attitude. I pray that God just keeps showering you with blessings. So happy for you and John on Jossy B (love that name by the way).

  • KelliAugust 12, 2010 - 11:09 am

    It’s great how in a few years you won’t remember all the sleepless nights. That’s a great shot of John jumping the pool.

  • CarrieAugust 12, 2010 - 7:29 pm

    I totally understand on the side of Miles seeming so grown up, since Camden was born CJ looks and just seems like he has matured so much… Pretty much overnight.

  • Heather CorporanAugust 13, 2010 - 4:57 pm

    She is a peach! i love the first picture with the smooshy baby face 😀 I just went through all my daughters newborn & 3-6 month clothing . . .in tears. She’s 6 1/2 months, and boy has it flown by! My oldest startes Kindergarten in the fall. .. I wish I could put time on hold, or at least maybe in slow-mo : D Enjoy every moment. It flies by waaaay quicker with #2 just by simply being busy with #1 . . and the third way way waaay quicker : (

  • MichelleAugust 31, 2010 - 4:04 pm

    This is adorable!