want to know what point and shoot to buy?

I get about 16 emails a day asking me what kind of point and shoot to buy. I truly appreciate those 16 people thinking I’m smart enough to know which one is the best. I don’t know though because I don’t have one, and unless I”m buying frivolous cell phones or overpriced shoes for Miles, my money goes towards my next lens or music samples for John. We don’t have a point and shoot because we lent ours to a friend a couple years ago and they lost the batteries, then we got our DSLR’s and have never messed with buying new batteries and it didn’t occur much to us to miss it.

I’m sure I will need to get a point and shoot sometime so I can stop obsessing about perfect light when I want to just snap a quick photo or packing my huge camera bag when I go some place I want to take photos, but until I do my own research and figure it out, go listen to my friend Rachel. She’s a smartie and so his her hubby. (Her hubby, Jared,designed this blog, btw.)

So here ya, a whole blog post about what point and shoot to buy. Enjoy!

Click here for her blog.

If you need your research to come with actual photos taken from the camera and some more convincing, check out The Image is Found’s blog. Their post on their favorite point and shoot will be helpful too. (BTW, if you haven’t already added them to your RSS feed. Do so, they ROCK and have two of the cutest kids this side of Miles.)

Hope that helps! Now get out there and shop! I hear the economy could use it. 😉

P.S. Santa, I suppose I do need a point and shoot. You can put that on next year’s list though as I hear you are done shopping. 😉

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  • erinDecember 10, 2008 - 1:14 am

    You seriously get SIXTEEN emails a day asking what point and shoot to buy?? You know wayyy more people than I do! 🙂

  • BetsyDecember 10, 2008 - 2:09 am

    Ok, perhaps I over exaggerate a bit. 😉 BTW, Erin, you were one of the numerous people emailing me what kind of P&S to buy a few days ago silly! ;-D

  • erinDecember 10, 2008 - 3:31 am

    yep, I remember. (hence my comment!) I just had no idea there were 15 others!!! 🙂

  • SusanDecember 10, 2008 - 11:05 pm

    I am one of the “16”. . . Thanks Betsy for the link!!! 🙂