who knew bird cages were so hot?

The sweetest blog reader Ali, sent this link to me, and thought it would be perfect for me. Um, yep! PERFECT! Interestingly, one of the early cage mock ups looked exactly like this cage. So here ya go John, here’s a birthday idea and I think it’s in your price range. 😉 I wonder if I’ll start seeing bird cages everywhere now…


While I have your attention I thought I would share Miles showing off his hat (and his necklace, he’s suddenly discovered accessorizing) this morning.

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I mentioned earlier this week that Miles has totally embraced two lately. Good gracious, the guy is going through an emotional and physical growth spurt lately too. Oh, and his curiosity has just peaked to a whole new level. With all of these changes I feel even more pressure and worry that I’m raising him to be a good, polite little guy. I doubt myself at times when he completely throws me off with something wacky. We were at story time the other day and during the craft activity he grabbed two pairs of scissors and TOOK OFF running. My eyes bugged out of my head and for the next ten seconds I got to experience the awesomeness that is chasing your son through a book store while other mother’s look on. Twice. Oh, and again at the doughnut shop afterward. As I’m chasing him in public, my inner video camera clicks on and the experience is worsened by the fact that I can see in my minds eye how completely stupid I must look since I am usually bent over running with a bag in my hands so I look like a penguin. Depending on how much stuff I’m holding at the time, there is probably a degree of waddling going on too. So it’s an extra penguin-ish run. Lovely. So he’s in this exploring phase (please say it’s a phase) where I also worry I’m going to accidentally dislocate his shoulder by holding on despite his tugs away.

Well, for now, I have to give myself a break and take a clue from him that perhaps story time and making a craft isn’t the best choice for Miles right now. For now on, we’ll just go to the Y, where running is acceptable and encouraged! The story time will be there when he’s 3, or maybe if I ever have a girl.

I will say too, that this whole stage comes with a new found need for him to snuggle and be close to me too. So even though I’m enduring public embarrassment with the running, I get the payoffs of his story time snuggles. He also loves to sing and make up the craziest sentences. His brain is such a sponge! Wow, two isn’t so much terrible, it’s just for us it’s so unpredictable. Perhaps it’s because we are so new to being two.

Ok, I”m babbling. I wanted to say too that I got totally surprised with some stuff here at home this week that kept me away from my inbox and actually my computer for a large part of the week. (A hard place to be away from the week I release my new branding. Ugh!) So if you have emailed or commented, please know I got your message and THANK YOU so much!!!!

One more thing; today was not only the first day of spring (yippeee!) it was also the kick off of my year of shooting with my first portrait session. I’m FINALLY out of hibernation and back behind the lens. AHHHHHHHH. I wasn’t sure my camera worked on anybody except Miles, John or myself. 😉

Gotta run, tomorrow is a big day (always is with Miles) and another shoot so I have a hot bath calling my name.

P.S. Photo tip of the day based on the above photo. Set your child’s chair in good light. Keep your camera out, and when they check the new placement of the chair out, that’s when you spring into action. You’ll get natural expressions since you aren’t forcing your kid into a photo shoot. You tricked them into one! 😉 What is the great light? A sliding glass door (like above) or large window with the sun pretty high in the sky. Bad light is when the sun is shining in during the late afternoon and it blinds your kid. I suppose this works for pets too, since there seems to be a never ending supply of people the love to photograph their cats and dogs. (Myself included.)

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  • BetsyMarch 21, 2009 - 4:26 am

    Actually, if those pendants are only $3, maybe they aren’t hot….


  • Annie P FlorinMarch 21, 2009 - 4:37 am

    Oooh, love the border and watermark around the photo! Very nice. 🙂

    I’m a blog lurker up until now and I have to say, of all the photographers’ blogs I read, Miles is my favorite kiddo (aside from my Jack, but I don’t read my own blog that frequently)! I think it’s the cheeks! And the blue eyes. Or the expressions. Or maybe just him as a whole. So cute!

  • MandyMarch 21, 2009 - 11:23 am

    I actually love the pendant…it would cute to attach for packaging.

    Two is so blissful. Its like…one day, they wake up and they know they are a hot ticket. I always looked at those sad mothers in the department store with one screaming child in hand and the other in tow…taking them out of the store in a furry of embarrassment, and think…no, that will never be me, and my kids will never do that. Well…yes, they did. Might I add that they included their own flair for drama and I contemplated never ever bringing them to the store again after that time. We still have battles. I was surprised when 3 was actually worse, but I think I have threatened my 5 year old now within an inch of her life so she gets that she can’t get away with anything like that (kidding…sort of). Story time was even too much for Mikayla when she was 3 and she was really an angel. She just didn’t want to sit their and make crafts. So we did what you do…the Y or the park. I haven’t even tried Katie at story time. She is NOT ready, and neither am I.

    I love the picture of Miles…I think you are doing a great job with him if he even sits down! And I love his necklace. You will get through this phase. Yes…it is a phase, but brace yourself…its a long one.

  • DoodleBunz/DB ImpressionsMarch 21, 2009 - 2:11 pm

    Not to burst your bubble, Betsy, but um….my daughter was even worse at story time till recently (she’s 5 now) than my son is so far, and he’s just a couple of months ahead of Miles.

    And I agree with Mandy, 3 wasn’t good for us, two wasn’t bad for us actually, but 4??? Oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy vey. So not cool. She was smart enough to actually fight BACK by then. bug eyes. Talk about embarrassment, but thankfully she was also starting to understand consequences.

    The bird cage is super cute! Great symbol!

  • Maya LaurentMarch 21, 2009 - 3:48 pm

    Yes John needs to get that for you! We are realizing that sitting and concentrating on something just isn’t an option right now for the age of two. I guess it’s a good work out plan for us chasing after them! 🙂 Have fun on your shoot!

    And I love that Miles uses accessories. We can’t get Zane to keep his clothes on!

  • Heidi Schweitzer-GarciaMarch 21, 2009 - 4:49 pm

    firstly, Love the changes.. very you and aries’ of you- secondly, just my 2 cents of the toddler stuff- Never feel embarrased at what your child is doing in public…instead hold your head up high and ground yourself- YOU ARE MOMMY and the more you can express that the more your child and to other people they will respect that of you- You and have a boy..so a boy he will be…which you are shaping him into a man- and lastly, never send your child to a daycare any long length of time that is where bad habits come from…Noah had one tamper outburst- do to a daycare…and really everything is good till about 5…my favorite so has been 4…but really LOVE all walks of life with my little guy- last word promise- it is our job as parents to love our childern..which I know you do so remember that when you don’t get the snuggles… I have too 😉

  • AmandaMarch 21, 2009 - 9:39 pm

    Having recently endured my first public tantrums with my soon-to-be 2 year old guy, I feel you on the fun that is this age. 😉 And the chasing, oh the chasing! Thankfully, most of the time, at the end of the day I can laugh at all his toddler-ish antics, and relish all the adorableness and sweetness too. =)

    Loving the new branding!

  • April Cochran-SmithMarch 22, 2009 - 9:14 pm

    Yeahhhhh, two’s a little scary. I remember when I met you at the Free to Succeed tour in the fall & I said that I hadn’t noticed a big change in Jack (who’s about 7 months older than Miles). Well, I spoke too soon. He’s CRAZY! Actually, he’s very sweet probably 60% of the time, but the other 40% he’s just on fire. We just had our first real tantrum last week at Barnes & Noble. Nothing like a meltdown in a quiet bookstore to make you feel like a loser. But, like you said, there’s still the lovey side to them too. Anyway, know that you’re not alone & hey, they keep saying it gets better, right?

  • christy pacanowskiMarch 26, 2009 - 1:21 pm

    oooh, love the clarity of this photo (and hes adorable…my son accessorizes too 🙂 )