can you handle another pug photo? (or two…and a story?)

It’s January. It’s freezing outside. My son is in a “NO PICTURES! phase. I’m trying to take photos everyday to stay limber, so you get pugs. Whisper to be exact.

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Stamp literally jumped up right after that photo to join Whips. She has a crazy vertical leap and can’t stand to be left out of whatever Whisper is doing.


Truth be told, John and I are such nerds, we could do this all day. We LOVE taking photos of our dogs. We have been taking photos of them since we started dating. I’m so lucky I married a guy with such a soft heart for dogs, because these two were a handful when we first met.

If you don’t mind, I have a bit of a backstory here….

I got the pugs when Andy, my late husband, (can you guys just tell me when you know who Andy is, so I can quit saying, “My late husband”) was going through radiation. Radiation really sucks, and gets worse the more you do, so we were looking for something to cheer us up during that difficult time. We got the pugs and we were OBSESSED with them right away. Oh my gosh, we had so much fun with those dogs. When we had to move to Minnesota for Andy’s stem cell transplant and be away from the pugs for months, we would lay on the couch together and cry, we missed them so much. (Funny, I think we cried more about missing the pugs than over the transplant process.) When we returned home, Andy would sit on in his comfy chair and the pugs would curl up on his shoulders like cats. The pugs were such a big part of our life together, that when he passed, we had their paw prints etched on his headstone. (I’m sure it sounds crazy, but they are really beautiful, actually.)

So when Andy passed, I wasn’t taking care of myself, let alone the two pugs. I was up all night long, sleeping all day and when the pugs had to go out, I would just open the door and let them out. I would forget I let them out until I would hear a ring at the doorbell. I would open the door to see my neighbor holding Whisper with the most pathetic look on both of their faces. They would say, “Betsy, Whisper was in the street…again.” Ugh. It was awful. To say I just didn’t have my crap together during my grief was an understatement. It’s a miracle they survived my initial grief without getting hit by a car. They developed all sorts of bad habits too. They were basically regressing to puppies again with how totally out of it I was.

When John came on the scene he was introduced to two NEUROTIC and messed up dogs. (and I was certainly a vision of mental health!) John was amazing. He crate trained them again, which was a loud process of LOTS of barking. He potty trained them again and started them on their 3 walk a day regime. Honestly, it was just one of the many things John did to help me rebuild my life after losing Andy.

I can’t believe I married two men that love these pugs as much as I do. It’s really an awesome thing. Actually, when John and I got married, we had the pugs in the wedding with us. I know, that sounds like something totally wacko. We didn’t do it to be cutesy. We truly felt like the pugs were a part of my life with Andy, and having them there, it was symbolic of John accepting all of my past and blending with my future.

So these dogs mean A LOT to us. So we take a lot of photos of them. That’s why they end up on the blog a lot.

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  • oliviaJanuary 13, 2010 - 1:16 am

    I’m crying and laughing at the same time … Betsy, anytime you want to talk about the pugs is fine by me. They are adorable. Love ’em. Andy sounds like such an amazing person, and it’s so heartbreaking and heart/life-affirming at the same time when you share your stories. So thanks for the tears and laughs this eve (one of the better emotions – laughing through tears, right?) … :~) Oh, and as for that e/m you rec’d the other day about your ‘hobby’ … lol, no words.

  • tamiJanuary 13, 2010 - 1:22 am

    not only are your stories beautiful and wonderfully written, your dogs are too cute! almost makes me want to add another dog to our family, but then i think of puppy days and run the other direction with feelings!

    BTW…your conversions are dreamy!

  • GailJanuary 13, 2010 - 8:52 am

    Oooh..what a great post! Thank for sharing! 🙂

  • AmberJanuary 13, 2010 - 9:07 am

    Thanks for sharing Betsy. Truly a blessing.

  • MichelleJanuary 13, 2010 - 11:42 am

    Only you can make wacky pug stories bring tears to my eyes. 😉 Beautiful.

  • heatherJanuary 13, 2010 - 1:29 pm

    LOVE it , love it all! The story is so moving. And yes, we know who Andy is:) Maybe when you mention him you can hyperlink his name to a post where you explained who he was, that way if people have questions they can be informed:)

  • oneshotbeyondJanuary 13, 2010 - 3:55 pm

    awe…you remind me of me and my dobermans! I think they are the best thing since sliced bread and I can shoot them day in and day out. Even when I’m not shooting them I can watch them or cuddle with them like no tomorrow. I didn’t ever read about your late husband so I’m glad you added the details in this post. I think dogs can get most people through the worst of times with the least amount of damage! I love my dobies and can see your pugs mean the world to you too! I can relate and am not embarrassed to admit it! 😉

    The pictures are wonderful!!!

  • TinaJanuary 13, 2010 - 8:35 pm

    What a great story – it makes me want to buy 2 pugs! And I agree that yes, we know who Andy is:)

  • kerri banyasJanuary 13, 2010 - 10:15 pm

    Adorable…I am begging Drew for a puppy these days so our doggie Murphy can have a pal…..I LOVE Shar peis! They look a lot like pugs…don’t you just love those squishy faces!??

  • kelliJanuary 14, 2010 - 12:13 pm

    So glad you have John! I won’t get tired of seeing pug shots. We have 2 dogs, and I need to practice my photography skills so we have thousands of dog photos. They are the only ones at our house that are happy to get their photos taken, mind you I give them a treat every time.

  • AllisonJanuary 17, 2010 - 2:02 am

    This was such a wonderful and touching story. I loved reading it 🙂

  • AmandaJanuary 19, 2010 - 10:11 am

    Beautiful post and beautiful dogs. =) THANKS as always for sharing so much of your heart. We’re total dog freaks–pitties for our family, but we respect and adore seeing the love people have for their pets no matter the breed–so a pug post is always fun to see.

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  • sue bettsJune 21, 2011 - 3:52 pm

    Beautiful post. I just found your blog today and love it. My hubby and I own 2 pugs ( and a schipperke). These dogs are the best and have the BIGGEST hearts in the world. Pugs were bred soley to be companions and they do their job well. Mine would like to just sit with me all day long, and do nothing……… The schipperke, yeah, he’s more of a, as someone once called him, little bundle of dynamite!! Keep the pug photo’s coming. Sue, MINNESOTA