complete thoughts.


Anybody who grew up on TV feel like they can totally relate to that? Actually, if you are like me, you had a hard time reading that mini paragraph completely. I live in the age of scanning info. So I’ll give you a second to go back and try reading it again. 🙂

After I spent my day sending incomplete thoughts to the world via Twitter, Facebook and I’m sure to John and Miles as well, I read that passage in Miles’ Kindermusik book and thought, “YEA, That is SO me!” I am the QUEEN of incomplete thoughts! I would love to be able to help Miles think in complete thoughts and better idea development. Perhaps then some would rub off on me!

Incomplete thought patterns. That has so been me these days. I have been going in 100 different directions. I’ve been emailing clients to get ’em on my calendar, working on my new branding, (which is brewing quite nicely, thank you for asking) doing some spring cleaning and of course, playing with my guys. Oh, and I’m also trying to work out and get in shape. I can run around the house playing and doing chores just fine, but getting me to a yucky gym to work out makes me feel like a hamster on a wheel.

I haven’t been blogging much as I have been feeling a bit scattered. This time of transition before I REALLY jump out on my own, new branding an all, has me feeling a little twitchy. Kind of like when you are in line for a roller coaster and you’ve been waiting, and waiting and waiting and then finally there is just ONE person ahead of you and then you get to ride!!! It’s exciting, but scary all at once.

That’s me right now. It sounds nutty, but it’s a cool place to be. I’ll just be even happier when I get to hop on the coaster and GO!

Speaking of incomplete thoughts. I have to end this blog and just hit submit because Miles is awake from his nap and my mom wants us to meet her for dinner. So life is calling guys, regardless of whether my thoughts are complete.

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  • Maya LaurentMarch 3, 2009 - 1:52 am

    I love that quote! This is why I tell the grandparents not to have the TV on all the time!!! Wonderfully said. Look that was a short, incomplete thought – oops!

  • Heidi GarciaMarch 3, 2009 - 6:24 am

    Totally feel you on the gym.. They smell soo bad not to forget all the bad form you see.I just want to go and fix them.

  • AlyssaMarch 4, 2009 - 1:17 am

    Love your new background!

  • AprilMarch 4, 2009 - 1:13 pm

    LOVE this quote! When you really think about it, it’s so true. I was actually having a conversation with myself last night on our way home from dinner with my parents, when I thought, you know, no more baby talk. This kid is growing up so fast, he needs to be given every opportunity to develop to his highest potential. And me talking ‘baby’ isn’t going to help!

    I can’t wait to hear more about your new endeavours with your biz. I’m so jealous – -you are living my passion of doing what you love and being able to be at home with your family so much.

    Have a fabulous day! I’m hoping this Indiana weather gets warmer…FAST!

  • MichelleMarch 5, 2009 - 6:09 pm

    Wow!! Who knew Kindermusik was so deep?? I didn’t. That is a great quote and there is a lot of truth to it, I’m sure. Maybe that’s why I rebel against texting, won’t abbreviate and insist on somewhat complete sentences. 😉