diaper cakes, high heels and little pink hats

It must be a baby shower! This time it was Renee’s turn as we celebrated the upcoming arrival of baby Bella. (Due pretty soon!!!) I didn’t get as many photos as I usually get. I’m blaming it on Cristi’s bottomless carmel corn bowl that I couldn’t keep my hands out of.

Here’s her diaper cake complete with pink baby Uggs. (I resisted the urge all winter to buy these for Miles. In tan, of course. You have no idea how much restraint it took. )

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Renee is very close with her sisters, Laura and Natalie. I go wayyyyyy back with these girls! I met them when they were still in High School (I’m the oldie, so I was I was in college) and we all life-guarded and taught swimming lessons and water aerobics at various pools throughout the city. Gooooood times. : ) We have see each other go through so many life changes, it’s not even funny. Love you girlies!!!


So here’s Renee opening her gift from me. She and her husband, Ed, are HUGE Colt’s fans. She will let you know that they are not just fair weather fans who jumped on board during the super bowl either. No sir, these guys are serious fans. So I saw this shirt and snatched it up in two sizes for baby Bella.

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She’s also going to do cloth diapers (yippee! My second convert!) She FLIPPED out and was so happy to see that she got some BumGenius diapers. Cristi got her a pink one and she literally screamed when she opened it.

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Can’t you just hear her say, “They didn’t have these new fangled things when I had babies!” That’s my favorite part of baby showers anymore, to see the older generation shake their head in disbelief of all the new stuff they have for babies now.

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Look how beautiful Megan and her mom are, on the inside and out. There were lots of laughs during the shower and I was so happy to capture these two. (Megan, I need to get this print to you, wouldn’t it make for a sweet Mother’s Day card?)

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Renee’s sister Laura is so stylish. Look at her in heels and black painted toes. LUV it!

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Right before I left I did a little 2 second photo shoot with little Miss Sydney, my friend Cristi’s daughter. How could I not get a photo of her all dressed up in her Easter hat. (Yes, Easter. I’m THAT behind on blogging.)

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I just saw little Sydney this past Friday at a gathering her mom threw and as I left, little sleepy Sydney said, “Betsy, why didn’t you take my picture tonight?” LOL! I left my camera at home that evening. Too funny and too sweet.

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This photo isn’t from the shower, but a recent visit to the hospital to meet our friend Melissa and Jason’s baby. Cristi’s daughter, Sydney, LOVES babies and jumps right in to change their diapers and help in any way that she can. Look at her curious little face as she sees Melissa’s newborn baby. There is something just so innocent and shy about that expression on her face that kind of makes me tear up. I’m such a sap!

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And what, you may ask, is Miles up to these days? Well, the knobs and keys in daddy’s studio are always oh so tempting. Daddy just got a bunch of new instrument samples today for his studio, so in celebration of that, here’s John and Miles at the keyboard. 🙂

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More Matilda Jane photos coming too. I don’t even think I have shown any of the adult’s line. So much to blog, so little time.

I’m off to bed. Nighty night!

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  • Leslie WebberApril 29, 2008 - 7:17 am

    Betsy, WHERE did you find that adorable sparkly-horse shoe Colts shirt?! We need one at our house. Meredith would flip out over it!