
Tomorrow is Miles’ first birthday and we are having a very small family gathering here at our house. John wants to make a homemade mini cake, but it’s not going so well. See John in the glass’ reflection? He looks pretty concerned. Volcano cake anyone? Bless his heart, I’m just so sad and out of it that I can’t help much. He threw the volcano out and he made a second mini-cake for Miles and it’s adorable. I still think he’s nuts to try for a homemade cake after the week we have had, but hey, he’s amazing me with his dedication to putting his love into a cake for our little guy. It’s 10:15 and he’s heading to the store to get the party supplies. Bless him.

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Other than loving on my little guy Miles, working on my photography projects has been a great distraction from the horrific week I have had. I’m really looking forward to getting my latest shoot on here and I keep telling you guys I’m going to post more of Alyssa’s shoot. In due time. Here is a beautiful topiary I received today from John’s biggest client, Marching Show Concepts. John popped out our black backdrop and I snapped a super quick photo of it. I figured some bright pink and green colors would give us all a little pick me up. I know having them in my dining room are making me smile. Now, if I can just keep this delicate thing alive. (Barb Zabel, I’m going to need your green thumb please!)

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I received some other beautiful flowers from friends that I still need to get from family that touched my heart so much at the funeral home. Thank you so much to everyone that helped me out this week. The yummy dinners, the babysitting, the flowers, the cookies, the hugs, emails, cards and phone calls. It all meant so much. Thank you everyone for your support.


His babysitters this week fed him for an hour and a half straight because he just kept insisting on more food. He has the new nickname of “Trash compactor.” This kid knows how to eat!

Today he kept stealing Stamp’s “bumpy bone” So I put the pugs in their cage and locked them in there with their bone so they could get some alone time from Miles. The next thing we know, Miles is pounding on the outside of their cage with a confiscated bumpy bone. (Don’t ask me how he stole it from the pugs from outside the cage.) The pugs were just sitting there staring at us like, “Are you kidding me?”

He stood on his own today for like, 3 seconds. He’s working on walking. Definitely cruising, climbing and dancing. So perhaps by my birthday in April he’ll be walking.

Here is a photo from John’s euphonium session that I haven’t posted yet. I think it shows how curious our little guy is.

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Thank God for John, Miles and my friends and family for helping me through this week. Thank you so much!

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  • erinFebruary 2, 2008 - 7:59 am

    Bets- Still thinking of you constantly. You and John are such awesome parents and I’m so proud of you both for focusing on all the love and joy in your lives during this difficult time. I love that picture of the cake in the oven!

    Blessings of peace and tons of happiness to you all today on Miles’ first birthday! Love, Erin