friends with cameras

Becoming a photographer has brought some of my best friends into my life. Ever since picking up my camera, I have been surrounded by insanely talented people who I feel humbled for being invited into their beautifully creative and full lives. Who knew that something that chained me to my computer for hours upon hours on end would actually add to my social life?

The photography world is a teeny tiny one with the degrees of separation between photographers across the country being nothing but an instant message away. So insert Jodie Allen, who invited me to be in a little online group of photographers who happen to be moms too. (I didn’t take this photo. I actually have never met Jodie in real life.)

For Betsy

Then I got to meet other great photographers (online) such as Kim Weiss, Tami Proffitt, Lyndsay Stradtner, Bridget Smith. It’s hard to keep up with all the emails sometime, but it’s so great to hear the inside stories of these women and discuss the ups and downs of having your own photography business. The photography world definitely has it’s “cool kids” and I suppose even the occasional “Mean girl.” (Yes, it can feel like high school sometime.) So it’s nice to be invited to sit at a nice big lunch table full of like minded and friendly people. I’m honored to have been invited into their group.

We all support each other when our families are sick, but still have deadlines and shoots to do and still get dinner on the table (or order pizza.) We share ideas and rejoice in each other’s successes. Oh, and how did I meet Jodie? Well, when she was one of the winners of the Professional Photographer Magazine’s Fresh Blog winners, I commented, saying hi and the next thing I know, we were online friends.

Well, this past Christmas our little group did a secret santa exchange with each other. Jodie had me and she did not disappoint in the creativity department. She thought of the BEST GIFT I could imagine giving a mom. She got our baby sitter’s phone number from my husband and called her to arrange for FIVE HOURS of babysitting. Wow! Talk about an awesome and fun surprise! (And very ecological!)

So I finally cashed in on those five hours today when my babysitter was off school for MLK day. (Thank you GOD for a babysitter that would work on a vacation day!) Then I got to go hang out with one of my best friends, who is also a photographer, Gail.

We started out at the Peony Tea House where for two hours we sat and ate delicious little sandwiches, salads, a whole pot of tea and a plate of the most delicious desserts accompanied by home made jams and custards. It was HEAVEN. Fort Wayne people, you have GOT to go and have one of their Edwardian lunches. Give yourself plenty of time though, to enjoy all the mini courses.

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Then we went to my studio space to brainstorm some decorating ideas. When you are in the middle of putting together a studio space, it’s pretty overwhelming. I can’t tell you how helpful it is to have a friend with such great taste come in and help direct my focus a bit. I’m really excited about the ideas we started brewing.

Then we headed to the mall to do a little bit of shopping and embarrassingly, I bought the SAME pair of earrings I wore in all of 2009, but had just recently lost. Shame on me for being in such an earring rut, but hey, I love ’em, so they are back. (Embarrassingly enough, I just realized I may have had them in 2008 too….Ok, someone RESCUE me from my earring rut!!!)

On the way home, we did a quick hop outside to take some photos to keep our trigger fingers limber and get some winter profile pics. Here’s a fun one of Gail in a hat she just bought today. How adorable is she?

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All of my friends are awesome, but today, I just had to send a shout out to my ladies with a camera.

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  • lyndsayJanuary 19, 2010 - 1:07 am

    we love you bets!

  • heidi garciaJanuary 19, 2010 - 1:50 am

    I would agree, I’m not in the photography world, but everyone seems so helpful and excited- it makes me want to be in it. Pilates world is so competive, that it stinks trying to find one who will brainstrom with you rather than think you are trying to gain their business. Makes for a lonely world sometimes.

  • VanessaJanuary 19, 2010 - 9:45 am

    It does at times feel very much like high school. We deal with another photographer in our church who, when we’ve tried to say hello, will actually stick her nose in the air and walk away. Seriously.

  • tamiJanuary 19, 2010 - 11:54 am

    one day when we meet…i WILL hug you TIGHT! love you…and your pugs!

  • kim weissJanuary 19, 2010 - 2:38 pm

    love you to pieces, bets! so nice to have our little group of what I always envisioned pro photographers would be like… sharing, laughing, enjoying each other!

  • Maya LaurentJanuary 19, 2010 - 4:21 pm

    Ohhh…I need to check out that place in Ft. Wayne! We need to set a date for that! Gail, you are too cute!

  • MichelleJanuary 19, 2010 - 6:36 pm

    I love BOTH of those photographers!! I read Jodie’s blog DAILY and Gail has actually become one of my never met in real life but consider her a “friend” peeps. 🙂 Her taste in music is PERFECT! 😉

  • JennaJanuary 19, 2010 - 7:18 pm

    Love the new blog features. We’re getting ready to make some big changes and upgrades. Can’t wait to have a new look!

  • jamie delaineJanuary 19, 2010 - 7:46 pm

    she is super adorable. THAT’s how adorable she is. super. hah!

  • ShellJanuary 19, 2010 - 8:52 pm

    I just love this creative blogging community bringing us photographers and moms together! I have made so many wonderful connections through my creativity and blogging as well, and that’s also what brought me here to your blog! I feel so blessed! What a treat! I love that you made a comment to her success and now you are online friends inspiring one another. Best wishes on your growing family and business! Shell

  • bridgetJanuary 20, 2010 - 4:05 am

    I heart Bets. seriously. You are a wonderful, talent chicka. And I am happy we connected thru Jods. It’s a blessing having you in my life. 🙂

  • jodieJanuary 20, 2010 - 8:38 am

    I have to admit that it is SO strange to see my photo on another blog! 🙂 Kinda alarming! HA! But Bets… I can’t tell you how much you guys enrich my life. Like you said, I spend so much time in front of the computer that some of my real life friendships have suffered. Not on purpose, but between three small kids and the business I just don’t have much time. So to have such amazing online friends is just awesome. I can’t wait to meet someday! Love you!

  • GailJanuary 20, 2010 - 9:16 am

    Hugs to you. Forever and always. That’s all I have to say about this fabulous post 🙂

    PS – That and if we DID live in the same city, we’d probably NEVER get work done because we’d just gab so much!!!!

    PPS – Just noticing…your new couch kinda matches your background on your blog. PERFECTO! Now let’s add some teal accents!!