how i measure success

My kids are, thankfully, really great sleepers and always have been. However, once Jocelyn came along, I dropped getting Miles down for his afternoon nap and he never looked back. I had always believed that naps were so important for kids and felt bad watching him be so strung out by dinnertime, but we both just gave up trying to get him down. Well, naps are seemingly back for Miles and I have to say that I feel pretty successful when I can get both kids down at the same time. (It’s only happened twice now, so it’s early to say this if this will lucky streak will continue.)

Look at these little punkins, asleep at the same time in two different levels of the house. My greatest success of today, getting them down at the same time!


I’m serious, it feels like I just completed a marathon or something. I stand in the middle of my quiet house, with so many possibilities that I barely even know where to begin! I don’t know how anyone could ever be bored. I could fill a lifetime of afternoon naps doing all sorts of fun things without even leaving my house. Now it’s nighttime and the kids are in bed and I have an hour or so before bed. I’m off to whittle away at that stack of books I want to read, that office I need to organize, that overflowing laundry basket, those RAW files to edit, those baby legs to sew, those covered buttons to make, that episode of How I Met Your Mother on DVR, that sock monkey to sew…or I’ll blog. wink

Photos taken by my iphone, with sound on silence, of course.

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  • AubryApril 11, 2011 - 10:48 pm

    Betsy, Jocelyn is the most adorable little girl!! Ah, so cute!

  • GailApril 11, 2011 - 10:50 pm

    Ahhh…they look so alike here!

    Love you girl! 🙂

  • SaraApril 11, 2011 - 11:00 pm

    YES! his nap is back! Audrey’s has gone by the wayside, again. Your babies are beautiful.

  • SherryApril 11, 2011 - 11:15 pm

    Oh so precious “naps” MOM’s deservers kids to take naps!! And those two heathly little busy boogers need NAP to stay healthy IT IS A WIN WIN situation!!! I want to bake a cake and bring it over with icing and make cake suckers..with Miles…soon MOMMY soon… like Susan Kurtz made…I was outside working on the pool when you called today,,, let me know when,…cause I am painting the walkacross, while i had taken down that nasty wallpaper..I love and miss your babs..MOM

  • JillApril 11, 2011 - 11:30 pm

    I feel the exact same way when I get synchronized-napping going on at my house! It is such an accomplishment! They are so adorable, Betsy. Is there anything cuter than sleeping babies?

  • EricaApril 11, 2011 - 11:40 pm

    They both look adorable!! And I’m glad you got some time with them both sleeping!!

  • heidi garciaApril 12, 2011 - 12:08 am

    Pretty darn good 🙂

  • ErinApril 12, 2011 - 2:46 am

    ahhh, i totally know what you mean – how can people be bored? i don’t even have a child yet and i can sympathize with you! my to-do list is endless…and keeps growing. and those kiddos are super sweet, too. 😉

  • Sara HarveyApril 12, 2011 - 3:33 pm

    You are SO right – when you get all the kids sleeping at the same time, you feel like SUPERMOM!!! 🙂

  • Maya LaurentApril 12, 2011 - 7:30 pm

    Amen! Naps at the same time are heavenly!!! Major success for you!