It’s not a post about miles!

Just thought I would come up for air and post a little sneak peek from last Saturday’s shoot to show you that it’s spring in more than one way. First sign of spring around here has been the daffodil buds outside our front door, second sign is the fact that I’m finally back to shooting and lastly, that Miss Shelby here busted out her summer dresses for her senior session 2.0 session. (Why does she get two sessions? Well, some girls just can’t fit all their outfit changes into one shoot…or season.) Oh, and she’s my BFF’s daughter, so it gives me an excuse to get her in a car and drive around town for a couple hours and chat. Oh, and phone-less too, which was a huge bonus! (At least while we were shooting…hee hee!)

So here’s a bit of spring (even though it was only in the 50’s on Saturday!) and of sweet Shelby.

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I have a CUTE little guy that I’m dying to blog a sneak peek of as well, but he’s on vacation right now (LUCKY DUCK!) and well, what good would a sneak peek be without the right people paying attention? So that one will have to wait. I’ll tell you, he’s so cute, editing his photos made me want to go scoop Miles up out of bed and just hold him. So that will be coming up soon. For now, it’s Shelby’s turn to rock the sneak peek. 😉 I love how confidant she looks here. There was a train WHOOOSHING by behind me (which was so COOL!) and I think she was feeding off the energy of that a bit here. Either that or laughing from the embarrassment of me yelling, “WOOOOOOOO HOOOOO!” at the top of my lungs as the train went by. I invited her to yell along with me, but I guess I was the only one who wanted to. Dude, it was so awesome to stand right under a train on a bridge, with all that wind whipping by us and just yell. Try it next time. It’s good stuff.

As a side note, I want to thank all of the people who have sent me such loving and supportive emails and comments regarding my new branding changes. I so appreciate all of them! (It makes that nervous/sick feeling of wondering if anybody will “get it” right after I announced my new logo all worth while!) You have all been so great I feel I need to apologize if I haven’t returned emails right away lately. We have re-arranged our schedule so that Miles can be home with us 100% now with no trips to a babysitter. Yep, we cloned me. It was pretty awesome. Betsy 2.0 is sleeping right now. (Don’t I WISH!) So as much as I LOVE getting all the emails, I may not get a reply to you right away. Though don’t let that stop you from emailing or commenting! I’m reading them (sometimes while standing in line somewhere with my illegal iphone instead of interacting with breathing humans) and always enjoy writing back, even if it’s not right away. Of course, you can always call me at the number listed in my “contact info” if you need a reply right away.

For now, it’s time for bed, since I am by no means cloned. Nighty night!

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  • ErickaMarch 26, 2009 - 3:42 pm

    She’s adorable!

    And BTW, even though it’s refreshing to see new faces, you still never tire of seeing Miles’ Smiles.

    Huh! I like that — Miles’ Smiles…..

  • Diane - DB ImpressionsApril 13, 2009 - 11:36 pm

    Wow, I’m not sure how I didn’t realize the RSS feed got fouled up, but this is a great photo!! I like standing near trains too, where you can scream your heart out and no one can hear you….thus you don’t sound like a fool!!! 😉