listening to miles

Today, no joke, Miles came up to me and said, “Wanna shoot some hoops mom?” I’m not paraphrasing, he actually said that, plain as day. I couldn’t believe my ears. It’s like he was suddenly this big grown up kid. Man, you spend a ridiculous amount of time obsessing over all the baby gear you buy for their first six months of life and that all flies by so quickly. He’s such a little man, but all in the same breath, he’ll stop, hold up a finger with an ouchie and say, “Kiss it, make it feel better. Heal faster.” Oh, he’s still my sweet punkin, all the while exploring being a big kid.

I have already posted a photo from Miles listening to our ipod (and yes, Amil, the ear buds are to our iphone, not our ipod. You were the only one that wasn’t a “Sucka” as you mentioned.) I have a ton more, but I’m soooo tired that I couldn’t edit any more than these two. I’ll have to do a slideshow someday, because they are all so sweet to me.

These two struck a chord with me tonight, for some reason. It’s just his earnest innocence (say that 10 times fast) and his chubby cheeks that just get me.

 mg 6779

 mg 6781

There has been lots of listening to Miles going on these days and so many smiles and laughter to go with it.

Thanks for tuning in. Have a great weekend!

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  • LeandraMarch 28, 2009 - 12:49 am

    I was just thinking the other day about how I have never met you or Miles (or John!), but I can see how much Miles has grown up since I started following your blog a few months ago. How do you ever keep up with him and the cute things he says?!

  • Diane - DB ImpressionsApril 13, 2009 - 11:38 pm

    What a cool little dude, despite the fact that they’re sometimes sooooooooo terribly 2. 😉 I love the discovery phase, where their vocabulary just explodes each day!