miles gives the stink eye

So as I mentioned last night, we took Miles to a Heartland Chamber Chorale concert today. John has season tickets since he does work for them often and he’s been itching to take Miles to one. So today we felt brave and we headed out with him for it. We finagled the usher into letting us sit up in the balcony and we tried our best to ignore what I was sure was annoyed looks from the concert goers. As we chatted with the couple behind us, I assured them we would bail if he got fussy, though they kind of looked like they didn’t believe me. John and I are SUPER aware of Miles getting fussy in restaurants and concerts and are always ready to bail if needed. Miles did great though! He was silent for the first half an hour and cracked us up by clapping at the appropriate times. He even started to do his little dance during parts of it.

So you know how when you are in a movie theater and someone is tapping your chair or talking? You kind of do that annoyed fast look behind you kind of thing and give the annoying person the stink eye? Well, the lady sitting behind us during the concert coughed and Miles turned and looked at her and give her the most hilarious stink eye ever. Then he wouldn’t look away and just stared her down like, “EXCUSE ME, you are supposed to be quiet!” We all, including the lady couldn’t help giggling as he continued to stare her down. I have burned that look on his face into my memory because it was awesome. (Though really, this is the only age this is cool. Any older and it would have been considered bratty!)

During one of the songs he got really excited and started to do what we think is this cute breathy giggle, but we took that as our que to bail. We’ll let him sing along at Sesame Street Live someday, but not today. So then we headed over to Barnes & Noble to play with their cool train table. John was in HEAVEN and I was so wishing I had my camera because they have the train table right by a HUGE window. This adorable little girl came over to play and Miles was much more interested in playing with the trains then. Too cute.

Then we headed out to dinner and Miles ate his weight plus enough for three more kids as always. (I seriously figured Miles would be like 5 years old before I started buying him his own kid’s meal. Nope! This kid has been getting his own meal ordered off the kid’s menu for months.) All in all, it was a really nice afternoon for us. Miles is doing great and walking more and more, which is awesome. The latest thing is he likes to say is, “Baby!” when he see’s himself or pictures of babies. He is KILLING us with cuteness lately.

No photos of Miles taken this weekend, but here are some of Miles trying gummy bears for the first time. (I started out so good with no junk food for Miles! I’m such a bad influence.)

Img 1146

Good gracious he got the craziest spark in his eye when he tasted them. He only had a few! Man, it was hard saying no to this face.

Img 1155

Ok, it’s super late and I have a busy, busy week coming up. A couple more thoughts though: Thanks for all the great positive feedback on my marketing piece I made yesterday for the gala. I really appreciated it! Also, remember how I said I’m terrible at remember birthdays? Well, I totally forgot to mention that John’s birthday is in the beginning of the month and an often forgotten one as well. (August 2) DUH!

Ok, now I’m shushing and going to bed.

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  • bobbi+March 3, 2008 - 3:27 am

    Can I just say that I now know where Miles gets those crazy faces from? 😉

  • AdministratorMarch 3, 2008 - 8:22 am

    It was late when I posted this and I totally forgot to mention that that photo was taken right after a massage when i had NO make up and compression lines all over my face. Good gracious I look ten years older than I really am! Eh, who cares.

  • JeremyMarch 3, 2008 - 8:35 am

    Hey Betsy! As always, beautiful photos – and just so you know, I’ve got the hookup for the Sesame Street Live tickets and other shows like it…my sister works at Star Plaza and they have that show in every year.

    Hope to see you guys again soon!

  • erinMarch 3, 2008 - 9:32 am

    Seriously!!! Bets, that look on your face is identical to Miles’ face on your blog header!

    lol!!! love!