one month left of 32 and other stuff

I hate forgetting people’s birthdays. Now, at the age I am, I not only get to forget my friend’s birthdays, I get to forget their spouses and their kid’s birthdays. Ugh! It just makes me feel like a jerk.

So they say to be the change you want to see in the world, so I’m going to start the changing of remembering birthdays with my own! 😉 (How unselfish, right?) Actually, Miles and I both have birthdays in the first couple days of the month so they are easy to forget until you flip the calendar and BAM, there we are. So I’ll throw it out there that today is March 1 and my birthday is one month away. Yes, I was born on April Fools day and it’s kind of fun. My mom, and Miles and I were all born on random weird holidays. St. Patty’s day, Ground Hog’s day and April Fools Day. So this is my last month of being 32 and then I’ll be one of my least favorite numbers, 33. (Yes, I have favorite and least favorite numbers. 2 and 8 are my faves and 3 and 9 are my least favorite. You should comment me just for fun what your favorite numbers are.) I had kind of resigned myself a few years ago that birthdays were really for kids and to just start lowering the bar of expectation for them. I was thinking about that today and I say forget that! Nope, I’m taking my birthday back. It’s such a yucky and gray time of year that as a kid I always had the shining promise of my birthday to get me through the gross slushy month of March. So it’s back and somewhere John is cringing at the thought of what to do for me. (Bless him, he has already done so much for me!) BTW, I can’t end this paragraph without saying that my family has my mom’s birthday, my nieces and remembering my sister’s birthday all in March, so it’s not my time at all yet.

Ok, that was sufficiently random and totally selfish, moving on….

As you may have heard, John and I are donating a session for the Fort Wayne Museum of Art’s Fundraising Gala coming up this week. So tonight we sat down and created a little marketing piece for the silent auction to show what we are giving away.

Here’s what we came up with. It’s really hard to pick photos to represent our work, so I honestly just had to start grabbing images because if I thought about it too much I would still be here popping photos in and out obsessing over it. I just wanted to keep it clean and simple since it will be sitting in a room that I imagine will be full of mingling people along with all sorts of other fun stuff to bid on.


Oh and there’s absolutely no pressure to design something cute because this isn’t for an art museum’s event or anything! ; )

Well, it’s late so I gotta get to bed. Oh, and if you have wondered if this is how John and I spent our Saturday night, yes it is. (Though we always have fun working together, unless it’s accounting stuff. UGH!) When you work at home, you really don’t have a week day or a weekend day. You just do stuff when you need to, which really works for us. We LOVE working at home, but you can get kind of cabin fevered out with each other. So we are actually starting to work out a cool way to make sure we take time to fit in some time away from the house with each other. Since our Sunday evenings are usually spent working, we are starting to start our weekends early on Friday. For two weeks now we have taken Miles out to lunch on Friday and then go run errands together in the afternoon. It’s so nice and a great way to get out of the house together and decompress. Miles is an AWESOME kid to take to a restaurant too. As long as he has food, he is content. Thank God. Eating out is something we love to do and if we couldn’t take Miles, that would stink.

In other news, we FINALLY ordered ourselves a navigational system tonight. We have spent wayyyyy too many frustrating moments in our car lost that if I had a nickel for every time we exclaimed to each other, “$*&%! Why haven’t we bought a nuvi yet!?” I would at least be able to buy myself an overpriced chai. So yippee! This will be a life changing purchase, I just know it.


Ok, I should have been in bed an hour ago! Tomorrow we are taking Miles to a concert, so no afternoon nap for me tomorrow.

Nighty night!

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  • JenMarch 2, 2008 - 9:29 am

    I’ll always remember your birthday, Bets! April Fool’s Day! We think of you each year. Yipee for the navigation system. Now you guys have no excuse to not visit DC. You can’t get lost getting here! 🙂 Take care and have fun at the concert!

    Miss ya! JEN

  • AdministratorMarch 2, 2008 - 1:33 pm

    Duh, I totally forgot that john’s birthday is at the beginning of the month too, August 2nd, so his gets forgotten as well. But the fact that I had forgotten that his was in the beginning of the month too is kind of ironic.

  • Leslie WebberMarch 2, 2008 - 8:25 pm

    The marketing piece looks fantastic. Best of luck at the silent auction!

  • MayaMarch 2, 2008 - 9:22 pm

    The marketing piece looks great! I need one of those navigation systems!!! Jealous!

  • JessicaMarch 2, 2008 - 9:37 pm

    Betsy- we have a NUVI and LOVE it! It is an amazing invention! Todd and I were notorious for getting lost so it has been a huge help! Hope the auction goes well! I am sure someone will snatch that prize up right away! 🙂