rainbow in a box

Category: personal

Our friend Sarah, who is an amazing artist, sent us the sweetest care package this week. It had some goodies for Miles and the sweetest homemade card from her all bundled up in this crazy colorful confetti. It really brightened our day. Look at all those colors! How could it not? I wanted to share the happy colors with you since it’s so white/gray outside right now. (at least here in Indiana.)

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Miles has carried the little pop-up book around all day. He has a cold and teething so bless his heart he is a drooling mess. (I just realized today that he knows how to wipe his nose on his wrist. I know that sounds super gross, but it’s actually kind of cute….No? Not cute? Hmmm…Must be a mom thing.)

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I swear Stamp is just standing there posing to be in the photo. She so wasn’t looking at anything.

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Miles pushed the book around the floor like it was a car ALL over the house. His favorites are going under the tables and chairs. (Please excuse the grandpa pants he’s wearing. Remember, we are all about comfort in our house.)

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So back to Sara and her awesomely creative gifts. We LOVE getting gifts in the mail from her because it’s always a cool gift that are made by her and from her heart. We have two of her paintings and I don’t have photos of those readily available to me right now, but I do have a photo of this little t shirt she screen printed for Miles when he was born. Here he is at about two months old modeling it. It says “muffin” on it, which happens to be one of his nicknames. (His cloth diaper was SO huge back then!)

Miles 10 Weeks 81

Miles 10 Weeks 97

Thank you so much Sara! You totally brightened our day! We love you and miss you!

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  • TonyaFebruary 14, 2008 - 10:33 am

    What a beautiful package…so colorful!

  • […] I actually had Miles in that outfit today with organic babylegs on. Very cute! I’ll load photos for that later. My latest thing on miles has been shorts and babylegs. More on that later. Tonight we were busy processing a recent shoot and booking flights and hotel for a wedding coming up that will be a little get away trip for us to Atlanta. I have to say, just coming back from a family trip to the Ozarks that had some completely horrendous and longgggg traveling conditions makes us not so gung ho about traveling again, but this is for our friend Sara who is the SWEETEST soul ever and it will be a really nice weekend and so awesome to see her get married. Plus, it’s a direct flight to Atlanta, so it’s a hop, skip and a jump. (I know, everyone thinks we are diva’s because we don’t drive anywhere, but we are emotionally scarred from a trip to SC where we sat in traffic for hours in a stand still on the way there with nothing but 1 country music station and a mix CD to listen to and then the ride home we were sick with a cold and we just can’t bring ourselves to drive again.) This awesome friend that is getting married is Sara, who send us that sweet gift basket and homemade t shirt for Miles from this post. […]