Snow Day!

Miles got to go play with our friends Molly, Braden and Kenna today. Since it was such a snowy day today and Braden was stuck inside, I couldn’t resist adding this fun little snow effect.

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Here’s Miles learning all about tractors from Braden. As an aside, I have to send a big thank you to Annie as he’s wearing one of my new favorite hand me downs from her sons. (Annie, I just ordered another rugby jumper from jack & janie today. Thanks for making me addicted to expensive children’s clothes, you brat!)

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Can’t you just hear his, “Vrooooom?”

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Braden’s middle name is after Andrew as Molly and her husband Dave were very good friends of Andy’s. Isn’t that precious? I can’t imagine Andy ever thought someone would name their child after him, let alone two children. (Annie, mentioned above, named her second child Drew, after Andy as well.)

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Then Kenna woke up and we headed down to the basement to play. It’s a WONDERLAND of toys down there. Miles had about a ten minute nap today but he was so busy with their toys, he didn’t notice his sleepiness.

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Molly was asking Kenna to show her her belly.

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Thanks for having us over Molly! We had a great time. Hope we didn’t wear out our welcome staying so long. : )

….just because I love to be random, found a fun new effect to play with and I have gotten so much reaction from it, Miles’ big ‘ol lip is back! Erin, this one’s for you!!!

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Happy snow day to you! (I have to give props to my Honda Accord, Barry, for being such a trooper in the snowy country roads today. Who needs an SUV?) 😉


As of today (actually yesterday, since it’s after midnight) I have exactly one month until Miles turns ONE year old. It’s BLOWING my mind!

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  • heidi SchweitzerJanuary 3, 2008 - 3:03 pm

    …Fun Pix! It seems very little boy come with those “boy noises”…it like stock or something teheh! (or maybe…j/k). If miles is anything like Noah, naps will go down to one…then..NONE!!! that’s right by 2 he was Over the nap thing..TOO much to Do!! (jesee mom!)…and I wish I could say that next year will take long to to get to his 2nd b-day…but that the other scarry thing…IT doesn’t SLOW down!..this so-called life. like you are doing I took tons and tons of noah before 3..well, i still would …but I get a big…mom..!! stop doing that!…it’s Fun though..and just wait to the fabulous 4..(so far my fav…) just out of NOWHERE he just says…”mom, i love you!” sweetest thing and comes exactly at a time when you need it! it’s like God puts it in there little ears :)…enjoy the snow!

  • erinJanuary 4, 2008 - 4:10 am

    OOOh! Betsy- I love the new effect on the pics. (And thanks for the lip shot of Miles…that totally makes my day!)

    I LOOOOOOOOVE Janie and Jack. P has a rugby one-piece from there too. I swear his wardrobe is going to break me. BUT- thankfully a good friend just gave me some REALLY cute hand-me-downs including my very fave blue hooded one. Wonder who did such a nice thing? 🙂

    Hope you had a good one! xo, E

  • MeganJanuary 5, 2008 - 3:36 pm

    Betsy, I’m in-love with the lip shot! He’s just such a cutie patootie! Have a very happy and wonderful 2008. Keep these photos coming! Oh and I can’t believe he’s going to be a year old next month. AAHHH!!

    Much love, Meg