thank you sky mall

As I mentioned in my previous post, we are back from our trip to John’s parents in South Carolina. You all now know why I had to close up shop by December 10th. It’s not because I’m lazy (well, not totally) but because we headed South to celebrate the holidays early with John’s parents.

It was Miles’ fourth flight, and actually his 6th flight if you count when he was in my belly. So we are pretty experienced fliers with Miles, but considering he was a totally different age and kid for each trip, we learn from each experience. I have to say this trip was the best though. We bought him his own seat, which made alllll the difference in the world. He was amazing and totally sat in the seat by himself, with his seat belt on and actually slept or listened to books being read to him. We were thrilled at how good he was and I have a feeling the people who sat near us were too. He was a much better traveler than I can be, as there is always a time frame during traveling that I get totally annoyed and overwhelmed and get crabby. (Nothing a Cinnabon or smoothie can’t cure though!)

I put myself through camera detox last week, so all we had was our iphone to take photos. Here’s our guy, cashed out amongst hoodies and sweaters to keep him warm and snuggly on the plane. His blankie made it through four flights without getting lost. Thank God! You’ll notice that a Sky Mall catalog is what knocked our little guy out for this flight.


Miles totally charmed his grandparents and ATE UP all of the attention that was centered on him. He was seriously on center stage for 5 days and came back from this trip with his vocabulary in a whole new upswing. He is saying more complete sentences, singing new songs and of course, breaking into more and more spontaneous dances. I don’t have any photos from our trip as it was just time for us to chill and spend time with family. We enjoyed lots of great food from Grandma King and I surprised myself by taking the longest naps ever during the afternoons. I guess all of my late nights getting my work done for the year caught up with me.

One thing I SOOOO wish I had photos of was Miles playing golf for the first time. He was SOOOO proud of himself for putting the golf ball on the tee and hitting it off the tee with one of Grandma King’s old putters. He would raise the club above his head and exclaim, “Hurray!” every time he did it. He killed everybody with cuteness last week! He even melted Grandma and Grandpa Kings’ hearts by saying, “I love you Grandma” and “I love you pa paw” before kissing them goodbye at the airport. Oh, he is a HEART BREAKER!!

So Miles wins the adorable, happy, baby genius, awesome traveler award. (I definitely don’t win the awesome traveler award, but let’s not dwell on my shortcomings!) Lots of thanks to Tom and Donna King for being such wonderful hosts! They sent us on our way with some wrapped gifts for the plane and that was pure genius. Oh, and btw, remember how traumatized Miles was seeing Santa? Santa came to visit him at the airport (they had the cutest one driving one of those luggage carts around) and Miles totally talked to him and was all excited. So whew, no long term damage!

Sorry this post is lacking more photos. It always takes me a couple days to recover from a trip and without clients to work on right now, I’m kind of lost! Wow, I actually have time now to work on my own personal photo projects? My own business projects? Projects with Miles? Wow! I’m kind of blinking in disbelief that my plan of closing up shop early actually worked and happened. Of course, I still have Christmas cards and some shopping to do. So I definitely am not ahead of the game! It will all come together, even if the cards do come on the 28th. 😉

Gotta run, I’m starting to enjoy this thing called sleep. Nighty night!

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  • Jessica ParkisonDecember 19, 2008 - 1:27 pm

    I’m so glad he did well traveling….the wrapped presents was an awesome idea! I’m the same way as you, i get stressed when traveling with all of the kiddos loot, as my mom says i get “flustered”…OH GOD, i’m turning into my mother 🙂

    Glad you had a week of much deserved relaxation!

  • saraDecember 19, 2008 - 5:50 pm

    Sky Mall makes me sleepy too…that and soothing sounds from the iPod. Looks like Miles is a much better traveler than my 4yo…we went to Hawaii in May and that string of flights was pretty painful, she didn’t sleep at all! 🙁 Glad you guys got to relax and enjoy some family time!

  • Maya LaurentDecember 27, 2008 - 7:58 pm

    Good for you for taking a break! Miles is so sweet…falling asleep to a Sky Mall!