the cutest thing…

I have to share this. Lately, when we put Miles to bed, this is our routine:

  1. Take a bath and get on warm jammies.
  2. Read a book
  3. Nurse
  4. Say a prayer

  5. Then we lay Miles down in his crib and he takes his blankie and pulls it over his face. John and I say, “Where’s Miles?” (Miles giggles under the blankie.) We say it again, “Where in the world is Miles?” Miles giggles again and whips the blanket down and we say PEEK A BOO!

It’s the cutest thing. We do it about three times and it makes him giggle so hard. At first I was worried it would get him all keyed up but he just giggles a bit and then rolls over sucking his thumb and goes to sleep.

Oh my goodness WE LOVE THIS BABY!!!! He is the sweetest thing ever!!!!

This photo is a few weeks old, but it totally shows his happy little smiling face. Can’t wait for Christmas morning with this little guy!


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  • GailDecember 24, 2007 - 3:34 pm

    What a cutie! The real fun begins when he’ll start talking.

    Right now, my niece, Emily, 2, refuses to leave any room without a three-part goodbye that starts with “Seee yaaa..” followed by a “Later alligator…” and ending with a melt-your-heart “Love uuuuuuuuuuuuuu.”