back to miles

Ok, I just finished my work for my last client of 2007 (so far, I keep accepting more work, so you never know) so now I can start getting ready for Christmas. Yep, with four days to go. It’s been INSANE around here but goooood stuff. I just sold two gift certificates yesterday for my photography. Isn’t that great!? I haven’t even really announced to everybody that my website is up and running yet. I’ve been so busy with shoots that it hadn’t even occurred to me. So, there’s no time like the present! is live, has actual content and ready to view. Poor thing, it’s been sitting there for a week or 2 now and I’m sure it would love some action. Actually, people have already been going to it. Must be those cutie business cards I have. If you have done a shoot with me, check out the gallery, I’m sure you’ll see some familiar faces.

Right now though, my focus is on all things family and christmas! I’m hosting our family shindig this Saturday, but no turkey in the oven for me like last year. I’ve been so swamped that I’m sure that thing would have to be purchased already and defrosting or something and I just don’t have the energy, brain power or for that matter, space in my fridge for a bird. Sunday is packed with two parties and then Christmas eve is our special day and evening for just the three of us. then of course Christmas day is filled with families and we’ll get to see what Miles thinks of opening presents. He’s already taken a swing at a gift already so I don’t think we’ll have any problem getting him to unwrap gifts.

Ok, so I called this post “back to miles” so I better get to it or I will have one steamed grandma if i don’t get some Miles photos up here. I haven’t taken any new pics today, but these are from the last week or so. We have the worst bathroom to photograph in, so hang in there. Thankfully our subject is cute enough to counteract the crappy lighting.

We all know Miles LOVES water. He puts his entire head under the faucet, dunks his whole face in the second he hits the tub and of course is blowing bubbles like crazy. So we help him out by just dumping the water straight on his head. Here’s the look we get right after.


He just got his first tooth this week, so we see this face a lot. He’s touching his tooth with his tongue to check it out. Doesn’t it drive you NUTS when you have a sore or something in your mouth? You just can’t stop fiddling with it. Well, that’s Miles. I think it actually keeps him quiet because he’ll be sitting there concentrating on what he’s feeling in his mouth.


If any of your recall this video: Miles vs. The Water Dish, you know Miles LOVES the dog’s water dishes. (I just watched that video again, I think it’s HILARIOUS!) Well, I’m CONSTANTLY chasing Miles down to race him to the dishes and put them up before he gets to them. I decided one afternoon to let him play in a pan of water. They say babies can drown in 2 inches of water, right? Well, if you are miles, you just blow bubbles. Talk about a mess, but he was thrilled.


Today I took Miles shopping and I was soooo dreading it. Dreading it because when I went shopping late last night I was about to lose my mind by the crowds, lines and insane driving. So heading out to Northcrest (my personal hell) and the mall today was not high on my list. However, Miles was a DREAM and made it so much easier of a trip. Let me go back in time and remind you that for the first half of Miles’ life he SCREAMED in the carseat when I went on errands. Then I would nurse him for a half an hour in the backseat of the car upon arrival of our destination and then shop for ten minutes. Then he would scream again and I would leave the store with nothing. I would nurse in the car again and then he would scream the whole drive home. Either the kid had a bottomless pit for a stomach, I didn’t know what I was doing or he was just a sensitive guy and loved being home. Who knows, but needless to say, I didn’t get out much last spring and summer. (I think that’s how I got so much practice with my camera, but I digress.) Anyway, now, I have paid my dues and Miles is a blast to take out on the town. He chatters with strangers, plays peek a boo with my coat, is quiet as a mouse and snacks on cheerios and just checks everything out. I’m half tempted to look into cheapie vacations becuase he is in such a great stage that he would be a dream to travel with. Of course, since he goes to bed at 5:30 lately, we would be stuck in the hotel room all night long. Oh, who am I kidding, we aren’t going on vacation ANY time soon. But a girl can dream, right? So if you have a little one that screams in the carseat, don’t worry. It will flip flop and life will be fun again. Thank God it did for me because I think driving a car with a screaming baby has got to be one of the levels of hell.

Ok, I have digressed big time. I am going to bed because I need to stay healthy. EVERY year since I was born I get deathly ill on Christmas. I’m not kidding. Last year I didn’t even get out of bed for more than an hour. It’s a HORRIBLE tradition. So I’m freebasing vitamin c, water, washing my hands and resting. I have too much awesome stuff to do and people to see in the next ten days. So this year I’m busting through and going to break the cycle!!! Hopefully my immune system gets the memo.

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  • eyegirlDecember 21, 2007 - 4:45 pm

    I’m so happy for you that you are able to do something that you love so much! As soon as things settle down and my house isn’t torn apart in the middle of my painting project, I’ll be calling you for a shoot!! Just a thought… you have a link from your photography site to your blog, but not the other way around, unless I’m missing it.

  • JessicaDecember 21, 2007 - 6:48 pm

    Yea for the website! I’m loving it! Especially those cute little toes on your main page. Gee…who do those belong to? 🙂

    Good for you for taking some time for you and the fam over the holidays…you deserve a break!

    Hope you, John and Miles have a wonderful Christmas together! I look forward to seeing pics on the blog soon!

  • Jennie SkeensDecember 22, 2007 - 2:25 am

    Well, I figured you would love this one. I was blog stalking, of course, and Noah (7 years old) says to me, “Hey, I was reading that”! I was scrolling down to quickly. So I took it back up and he started reading like a champ out loud to me and he got to the ‘personal hell’ part and he read personal but he had to ask me if it was okay to read the hell part. It cracked me up. Thought I would share. See you tomorrow.

  • KristinDecember 22, 2007 - 8:09 am

    Congrats on the new website, Betsy! Erin said you wanted us girls to get together after the holidays, I’d love it.

    Have a great holiday! Hugs.