the friendly fox

So the Ides of March are upon us and I have been feeling like curling up in a ball and pulling the covers over my head and hiding for a while. Oh and while I’m under the covers, I’ll add bag of chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies to my fantasy hide away. So what else is there to do when it’s a crappy March day and you are feeling blue? Throw your hair in a pony tail and head to a comfy coffee shop to get happy over some cookies, serious chatting and smiley babies. (If you haven’t figured it out, I LOVE coffee shops. It’s my comfort fix when I don’t have time or cash for a massage. Things just taste better when other people make them for you.)

Yes, it was another Erin & Preston afternoon! Poor Erin, we chat until our babies (ok, until Miles) is completely strung out and over it and then I call her 5 times on the way home to finish up the 6 million subjects we started. (If you are my friend you know I subject hop. Amy and Bobbi, am I right or am I right? Having ADD is almost mandatory to keep up with me. That is reason # 684 why I work well on my own schedule and did horribly in an office environment once upon a time. But I digress.)

So we hung out at the Friendly Fox cafe and I had heard it was a good place to take photos. So I brought my camera knowing well I didn’t have a stroller to keep Miles strapped into, so I brought it just to test the light. Well, with two cute boys, I had to do more than just take a couple test shots. So I had Erin try to wrangle the two boys in a booth while I snapped away backed up to another table on the floor. Not that I didn’t trust her arms to hold the boys, but that Miles is a pretty tricky and fast little guy so I was busy composing, (With no room to back up, ha!) changing my settings and making sure Miles didn’t slip off the booth. Hilarity ensued.

As I flipped through the pics when I got home I couldn’t help but immediately make this music video of our afternoon together. Erin tried to hide behind the boys, but my favs are when she peeked out and made an appearance. The pics aren’t mind blowing awesome photography or anything, but they melt my heart and hopefully yours will smile a bit too.

I love making videos for kids like this. I have heard from past clients that kids have gone NUTS over videos I have made for them. They watch them over and over. In a few years I think Erin and Preston will love this video!

Ok, I have to go get some work done and stop playing. Oh my goodness I had fun making this though!

Here’s one of my faves from the video: img_2457.jpg

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  • AdministratorMarch 18, 2008 - 10:04 pm

    BTW, a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE thank you goes out to Handy Man John as while I messed around making this video tonight he toiled away in the kitchen installing a new above range microwave. (A HUGE PITA, btw.) Then he added another light to our closet so it would be brighter in there for us. I LOVE YOU JOHN! You are the best!!!!!!

  • AdministratorMarch 18, 2008 - 11:16 pm

    One more note. Yes, that is my lens cap that Miles has in his mouth. Better that then the lens I guess. 😉

  • jeremyMarch 19, 2008 - 12:07 am

    i made a video for my niece’s 2nd birthday and a subsequent video for her 3rd, too…on both occasions, she quietly shed little tears as she watched. she hasn’t seemed interested in expressing the emotions to us, but as she watches she gets these tears and they just roll down her cheek! she doesn’t whimper, scream, or anything else…but she seems completely focused and intense about watching these videos and photo montages.

    love the video, and how adorable is that song selection?! awesome job.

  • holliMarch 19, 2008 - 6:23 am

    Those are the cutest boys ever!!!

  • MayaMarch 19, 2008 - 8:07 am

    I love Miles chewing on the lens cap! These boys are going to be trouble together sooner than later! Isn’t it so much fun to have a close friend who has a child almost the same age? How fun!

  • ErinMarch 19, 2008 - 8:07 am

    OMG OMG!!!! Betsy! I love it! You are so creative and Miles and P are really the cutest boys ever. (Until Baby Adams, of course.) 😉

    heart you.

  • JohnMarch 19, 2008 - 10:46 am

    Ok, just in case it wasn’t clear, Betsy made this video all by herself! Good work, my love. You did a great job!

    I heart you too.

  • Joey & AleetheaMarch 20, 2008 - 1:20 am

    ANYONE would love that video, it’s just so awesome! And what super cuties.