while I was away & other rambelings

Ok, so everybody knows I was gone last weekend for a photography workshop. I was only gone 4 days, but honestly, it might as well have been 4 weeks. I’m treading water trying to get my laundry done (and not just thrown in a heap on our living room couch), house cleaned (tried mopping the kitchen with Miles today but felt like a jerk when Miles kept slipping and falling down on the wet floor) and of course trying to continue working while balancing catching up with my little Miles.

I’m also dealing with post workshop overload. I went, filled my brain and I haven’t been able to spit it all out yet and examine it. It’s like my cards are all full, just waiting to be loaded and processed, but there’s not much room for anything else until they get emptied. (That is actually literally and figuratively true…) It’s kind of a frustrating place to be. I tried carving out some time to work on that this morning but my time was spent dismantling a car seat to scrub it after Miles spilled water in his lap and it sat and festered for two days. So these days, finding ways to carve out time has become increasingly difficult.

Soooooo, this is where I am. I am super frustrated that I have so much to share with everybody, but just can’t find the time or energy to get it up online. Soon, soon. I do have a GORGEOUS senior to share so I’m excited to get that up asap.

Ok, enough of my apologies for my “Just Got Home From Summer Camp” mood and lack of photos and I’ll get on with my post.

So, while I was away, John and Miles hung out with their best bud Chris a lot. I suppose lots of guys like to sit and watch sports together. (Or is that something they do alone?) Oh who knows, the only sports we have in this house is the ones that Miles talks about. So Chris and John are different. They have always loved making videos together, taking photos or doing something with music. The whole story is on John’s blog, but they decided to make a rap for Miles.

Miles LOVES this rap. It’s a rap recorded by John and “rapped” by Chris. It’s an interpretive reading of The Nose Book. We listen to it about 10 times a day. So check this out, and I’m willing to bet your 2 year old will love it. I will say, that Miles probably loves it so much because he loves his buddy Chris. 😉

CLICK HERE to see what happens when I go away

I promise I’ll be returning to my normal blog happy, photo processing until 2 AM self soon. For now, Im still just so BEAT from my weekend. (yes, I realize it’s Friday the weekend was a week ago. It literally feels like yesterday!)

Nighty night!

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  • Captured By JessMay 1, 2009 - 7:49 pm

    I felt the same after The Secret workshop. So much to process and no time to do it. Not to mention the stress of forking out all that money and then coming home with a ton of time-sensitive deals from vendors giving heavy discounts and not being able to afford to spend another dime. Aaauurgh! Anyway, looking forward to seeing some images from your weekend!