Why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer.

Oh, I hope so!

Behold, our clean house. Ahhhhhhhh, feels so good! (photo in the frame by who else but bbmk!)

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Speaking of our house, here’s our junk room, amidst our transformation into a useful room. It used to be our guest bedroom, but the bed has gone because it was a little silly to have a guest room for the one or two times a year we have a guest. So bring on the multi-purpose room. It revolves around the huge wall shelf, of course. That shelf means LOVE to me in so many ways. Oh, you think I’m being dramatic about loving a piece of furniture huh? Ok, here’s the story behind it. It was designed by my late husband Andy. He designed and built it to distract him from excruciating back pain that we didn’t know yet was cancer. (Ok, that part is heartbreaking, but a testimony to how tenacious he was.) The pieces are held together by compression of tie-rods and no nails and no glue. It has even survived three moves and a couple of years in a cold garage. It was never finished (stained) so once we were ready to put it up in our home, John sanded and stained each of the 40 plus pieces THREE TIMES before he assembled it (not an easy task, especially during a cold winter when I was pregnant and not able to inhale the fumes.) It was finished a couple days before Miles was born. We didn’t even know it would still all fit together! So the room needs some fun stuff on the walls and furniture that makes sense, but Miles is THRILLED to have the four bottom shelves for his toys and books. John, being the sweet guy he is, took a break in the middle of the day this week to attach it to the wall (not to mention move it to another wall) so Miles can’t pull it down on himself. So here it is!

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Subject change: Have you guys seen the weather for the weekend? I have two shoots coming up and it’s going to be PERFECT outside. 73 and 78 degrees. Can’t wait!!

Subject change #2: I was folding sheets and it turned into playing parachute. Remember that? In elementary school gym class I LOVED it when they got out the parachute and we would all grab a part of it and play pulling it up and down and over us. So we did the same thing with Miles. He LOVED it. Here’s Mile’s reaction to John’s little peek a boo bit.

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See this face? I tell you, Miles is the happiest baby I could have ever dreamed of.

Gotta go, I’m watching Sex and the city the movie (Extended version baby!) and need to whip out some serious album design.

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  • BetsySeptember 25, 2008 - 2:54 am

    I totally left out the part that that shelf is so special because it’s basically made from the two most amazing men I know. What could be more special than that?

    : )

  • CassieSeptember 25, 2008 - 7:36 am

    Your story about the bookshelf is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard!

    And it looks so beautiful, too!! Jason and I dream of a house where all the walls are bookshelves 😉

  • bobbi+September 25, 2008 - 11:38 am

    love. miss. ~bobbi

  • rebecca-linh rodgersSeptember 25, 2008 - 12:16 pm

    what a sweet sweet story. 🙂 something that i am sure will be passed on by generations. relax and enjoy your refreshing clean home!

  • annieSeptember 25, 2008 - 9:56 pm

    The bookshelves really are a compilation of efforts of the two most amazing men in your life (minus Miles of course ;o)). John did an amazing job finishing them – Drew would be so proud of their final look. I look forward to seeing the “new” use for the room – I am sure that Miles just loves to unload those shelves – oh the possibilities!

  • CandiceSeptember 25, 2008 - 10:46 pm

    Yay for a clean house! That is THE best feeling! Love the gorgeous shelves too- I’m sure Andy’s workmanship is awesome. 🙁 Of course the Miles shots are adorable… I can’t get over the color POP in some of these pics- wow! I like ’em!

  • robinSeptember 27, 2008 - 12:58 pm

    i love how openly you share stories about your love for andy, and how it always circles around to shine this lovely spotlight on john and his love for you. obviously two fantastic men. but you knew that already, i know.

  • RachelSeptember 27, 2008 - 4:03 pm

    Bets, As soon as I scrolled down I knew exactly what that bookshelf was. I remember visiting you guys when Andy was in the garage building it. Even as a little kid Andy was so amazingly committed to doing things perfectly and cleanly. It is so him. I love how John finished it and Miles uses it. What a precious thing that must be to you.