wrap up of our beach vacay

I would be remiss if I didn’t wrap up our beach vacation with a sampling of some photos of our North Myrtle Beach vacation, hosted by John’s parents. Considering John’s family is spread out all over the country and years go by without all being in the same room at the same time, it’s a pretty major feat when a family vacation happens. I tried to get my camera out as much as I could, but my hands were pretty full. Vacations with two kids are not vacations, they are a ton more work, but of course, so much fun as well. Here’s some beach, pool and condo time with the extended Kings. On these trips we all spread out and do our own thing a lot, so we got lots of time with just our little family of four as well.

I’ll start out with a family beach photo, taken by a passer by. Miles is in his “I hate getting my picture taken” phase. He’s not subtle about it either.

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One day Jocelyn and I stayed behind while the family spread out to various grown up activities and I enjoyed photographing and playing with my little dolly on the balcony.

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She was just learning how to walk at the time. Of course, she is now off and running.

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Here’s John, one of his 3 brothers, Chris and his mom and dad. Thanks for hosting Tom & Donna!

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John’s brother, Chris, was amazing with the kids. They had a blast in the Condo’s lazy river.

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Then John’s other brother, Jeff and his wife, Wendi, joined in on the fun. Miles was in HEAVEN with all the attentive play.

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Here’s an iphone pic of John and Chris getting Miles prepped for the pool. It took like, 20 minutes to get him all geared up on day. Hilarious.

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John’s brother Mark (the resident Nick Lachey look-a-like) who who visited us this past winter, is great with the kids as well. I think Jocelyn looks a bit like Mark here, actually.

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Mark and his girlfriend (Who you’ll meet in a second) got that adorable hat for Jocelyn with a matching outfit. It was the perfect accessory for a week at the beach and got used everyday and still does. Thanks Mark!

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Mark brought his girlfriend, who I just love. We instantly hit it off. How cute are these two? I tried to snap some pics of them one night when they were dressed super cute, with nothing but light from a nearby lamp.

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Another family portrait attempt. Hey, Miles is warming up to the camera! Yay! Bless his heart, he didn’t want to leave the pool for a boring photo, poor guy.

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Jocelyn liked to just sit and eat sand on the beach, so the pool was more her speed. They had a great pool that was half baby pool, half regular pool. Perfecto.

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What a precious little peach!

After a day of fun, we slowed down with story time. Mark had brought books for Miles for each night, all revolving around a beach theme. How sweet is that? He was perfectly spoiled by his uncles.

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Tom and Donna picked a beautiful condo for us all to stay. It was really nice, with a beautiful beach view. So wonderful to have such a pretty place for the family to gather.

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Here’s a photo of story time that I snapped from my iphone. Marks girlfriend is so pretty, isn’t she? Next trip I’ll have to step up my wardrobe!


John’s brother, Jeff, and his wife, took Miles to this super cool museum/funhouse called Wonderworks one day while I stayed home with the baby. Well, half way through the day I get texted this photo. I about died!!


I don’t know if you can really see what’s going on here, but Miles is walking a tight rope! Granted, he was hooked up with safety gear, but it’s a really good thing I wasn’t there. I would have had a heart attack! He loved it though! It was an hour and a half of going through this high wire obstacle course. They had a blast. What a great memory! He still talks about wanting to go back and do that again.

Here are some more pics captured with my iphone, my only true portable camera. (Thank God for it!)


Miles was under that blanket, trying to take a nap.


I’ll end with this photo. It’s what Miles LOVED to do the most, which was “fight the waves.” Here’s John and his brother Chris, fighting the waves with Miles, via my iphone camera. He loved the ocean so much. I really need to find a way to get him to the beach more often.


Thanks to Tom & Donna and all the King brother’s (and significant others) for taking the time to come and share a week with us and make it so wonderful. Can’t wait to see you all again!

Thanks for hanging in there with me on this super long post. I have to say that when you own your own businesses you NEVER feel like you can get away. However, we just took the plunge and it was a really good thing.

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  • SherryJune 18, 2011 - 1:28 pm

    wonderful post! beautiful people , wonderful grandbabes.. super memories..so glad you shared this with us…lol

  • GailJune 19, 2011 - 8:10 pm

    Loved getting a little peek into the King family vacation! I heard so much about how much fun you had, so it was nice to get a visual to go along with it!