Thank God!


We had a PERFECT Saturday. We all slept in today and had a leisurely morning, then after lunch we headed to the West Central Neighborhood Home & Garden Tour. We popped Miles in the beco and he was perfectly content to chill on our backs (we switched on and off for the two and a half hours we were there) and smile at people during the tour. It was one of those perfect baby days where we were amazed at how easy going he is. We figured we would only see two houses, but we saw all of them, plus a carriage ride and took in some folk music while Miles flirted with a cute little baby girl.

The highlights of the tour, other than seeing our friend Kristen’s home during her garage sale, which is GORGEOUS, and the amazzzzing bathroom in one of the homes that was the size of our kitchen, we saw a 100 year old house that was 9,000 square feet. Yes folks, one hundred years old and NINE THOUSAND square feet. A Bishop used to live there so there was also a small church (or I guess a chapel) built in the center. I often forget how the “other half” live. W.O.W. It was wonderful spending the day strolling through gardens and these amazing homes that have withstood the test of time.

So, that leads me to the photo at the top of this blog. We took Miles’ blankie along knowing he would want to snuggle with it when we pushed through his nap time. Well, sure enough, after the tour, dinner out and a trip to Target, we went to put him to bed and realized that, horrors of all horrors, the blankie was GONE!!!! John is so sweet he said, “I just feel like crying, I feel so bad for Miles.” I did too because that blanket is one of those things where I have to wash and dry it between nap times because the kid is addicted to it. So, with Miles sucking his thumb on my lap, John headed back downtown, this time with our “bloodhound” pugs in tow to look for the blankie.

I’ll spare you the search details, but amazingly, John found it tucked in a very obscure nook in the 9,000 square foot mansion’s garden. John’s a hero! He found the blankie! I couldn’t believe it.

Soooo, as his reward, he headed up to Miles’ room, who was groaning in his bed trying to fall asleep blankie-less, John whispered to Miles, “I have something for you.” He placed the blankie up to Miles’ face and he whispered back, “Bankie.” Awwww! Baby and blankie reunited!!!

Now, moving on to my Target finds. I had heard through the grapevine that the “Big City” Targets were carrying the type of cloth diapers we use, BumGenius diapers. Well, I’ll be, but there they were today!


Yea for Fort Wayne!! They were also selling zippered wet bags, which even if you aren’t using cloth diapers, if you have a kid, you have stuff that gets gross and wet and they are great for carrying such items until you can get home. I bought a miniature one (at Jillian’s Drawers) to throw my lipsticks and wallet in and I just swap it between my diaper bag and camera bag, depending on what hat I’m wearing that day.

So yippee for Target and for BumGenius to land such a huge vendor and for hopefully getting the word out that cloth diapering is actually a viable option. I’ve been buying 100% of my cloth diapering stuff online for the past two years, so it was weird to see it in an actual store.

I did pick up these for my HF’s (hobbit feet), because you can never have too many pairs of Ugg knock off slippers. In Pink. Yep, I guess it’s like the year 2003 around here.

We allllmost got these for Miles, but John wasn’t sure he liked them. (They were in a lighter color.) What do you think? I must have winter on the brain because I was fixated on snuggly shoes.

I almost got a pair of these, but needed more time to choose, so I’ll go back when I don’t have the ticking clock that is John + Miles. (They really are amazingly patient shoppers, I just didn’t want to push it.) I’ll be back….

Oh Target, how I love you!!!! I’m off to snuggle up for whatever’s on HBO or Cinemax. (woo hoo, free move channel weekend!)

PS If anybody reading this ends up buying some BumGenius to try it out, please email me about how to wash them. You can’t just use any ‘ol detergent on them or you will make them waterproof instead of absorbent. I guess the labels don’t really describe what you need to do very well.

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  • AshleySeptember 7, 2008 - 1:06 am

    I Love reading your blog; you and your cute family are adorable and your images are sweet!! Target is wonderful, we are trying to get one in our home town so the closest one isn’t an hour away; leisurely Saturdays are the best. Anyways, I hope you dont mind that I stalk your blog and added it to my photographer list!

  • CassieSeptember 7, 2008 - 10:40 am

    that story about his ‘bankie’ was one of the most precious things i have ever read!! what a devoted dad!

    and i LOVE leg warmers. forever.

  • NatSeptember 7, 2008 - 8:50 pm

    On the bankie–it does not do any good to get a decoy. Jammer had two Shelltons (stuffed turtle) in case one got left at grandma’s. (One trip at 1 am was enough). He could tell from the get go which one was his 1st Shellton. Never had any interest in the other. I think it was the smell.

    And, yes, John–I know how you feel. El’s monkey got lost at EPCOT one day. It was found but it took it FIVE excruciatingly long hours to get to the park office.

    I will vouch for a diaper pin with the blanket and the carrier. I had to do that with Ellie’s burp rag with the sling and wrap.

  • KristinSeptember 8, 2008 - 10:20 am

    Thanks for stopping by, we loved seeing ya’ll. We jumped on the tour Sunday- wow, those are some amazing homes!

  • amy connerSeptember 10, 2008 - 1:34 am

    Bets– my parents were married in the Bishops’ mansion! In the chapel!