inspired by mud

It’s spring break around these parts which means that there is NO break for me. Quite the opposite, actually. I’ve been racking my brain for creative things to do that would interest Miles while dodging photos on Facebook of people lounging on the beach. Sigh… Anyway, Miles was finger painting the other day and once all the colors got mixed it looked like he was smearing mud all over the paper. So I got an idea: tire track painting! (How appropriate considering spring time in Indiana should just be called mud time.) I grabbed a handful of cars with different tires and let him go nuts. He was impressed.

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We never do hair if we are just staying home. Those cowlicks are fierce to tame.

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Miles loved to watch the painted tires imprint on the paper.

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He was sure to show me that the paint got on his elbows.

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We made about ten of these paintings. They are seriously really fun to make, especially with a tractor that has soft rubbery tires like this one.

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In other news, Miles still has his ear infection and still cannot hear well. He’s to the point where he actually cups his hand to his ear to hear better, which breaks our heart. We’ve been to the doctor just about once a week now for a while and we have one last visit with our pediatrician next week before we move on to the Ear, Nose, Throat guy. Also, thanks to everybody who either commented or emailed me about my self portrait post. It means a lot to me, even if I haven’t had a chance to write you back.

So TGIF everybody! Have a great weekend!

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  • LindsayApril 8, 2011 - 4:48 pm

    What a cool idea Bets! Looks like he had a blast! What a sweet pea 🙂

  • BethApril 10, 2011 - 8:27 am

    Oh, that is cool! I will have to remember that. Those cowlicks crack me up. My 2 1/2 yr old has them all the time. I’ve tried Bedhead but it only keeps them down for about 5 min 🙂 I will be praying for your little guy (and the rest of you too!)

  • Maya LaurentApril 12, 2011 - 7:29 pm

    Awesome idea! Might have to steal this idea! 🙂